Are You Passionate About Orphans, Vulnerable Kids and MKs? Would You Like to Make Input to Their Lives?

Today is International Widows Day. A Nigeria based television station did a documentary to highlight their plight. A case cited by the TV station was that of a 42-year-old woman, and her children brought tears to my eyes. As the camera crew took us through the uncompleted buildings she lived in up to where she now resides, you will naturally think only mad people stay in such places. Watching the interviewing, you know she is not insane. The widow explains that they sold all their possessions when the husband was sick to treat him but unfortunately, he died. While the son was speaking to the journalist, the TV station stopped airing the documentary.

Recently, I encountered one such woman with three children. I came back home, depressed. I wish I could help them, but my hands are full. We see more and more orphans and vulnerable kids roaming the street without help. We are taking in another set of five kids into the Home of Grace(HOG) to help in addition to the 50 of them we already have in:

  • Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
  • Ahole, Niger Republic
  • Samunaka, Niger State, Nigeria 

Hopefully, we will do more. A heartbreaking experience was that of a sister of a small girl that we took this week. She begged that we should please consider her too. She dropped out of school in JSS one. Her grandmother, a widow, had pleaded for several months that we help her and her grandchildren. Her son, the father of these children, had gone to be with the Lord.   We turned down the little girl's appeal because we are already taking more than we can chew.  Turning down, her request was not an experience, and it has been easy since then. I have continued to pray for more support so the ministry and I can do more, knowing the implication of what Proverbs 21:13 noted: “ Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered.”  I am, however, also aware that God knows our financial capacity to cope.

We do not just accommodate the kids who are mainly orphans, vulnerable kids, and missionary kids at our Home of Grace (HOG). We feed them. We take them to school and provide all they need to have a great future, including school fees, textbooks, pay all levies, etc. We take care of them like we take care of our children. We assign trained missionary staff to them as foster parents.  To take more kids, we need more missionaries, trained and experienced missionaries to join our team. To take in more of these kids, we will like you to pray about joining our team.

 You can do this via many fronts:

  1. Commit yourself to pray for the kids and every one of us in the frontline. We noticed more lately that the spiritual resistance from the power of darkness is not in any way less than the ones our missionaries working among the unreached people encounters. Just recently, a young girl whom we raised attempted suicide but for God’s intervention. One other had struggled with suicidal thoughts until recently. The demonic background where most of these kids come from hunt them. Sometimes the character and demonic traits in the lives of some of the kids make us feel like giving up on them. This dimension of mission is characterized by chains of power encounter like no other. Once, a girl was accused of witchcraft. On another occasion, a child met me and confessed that she drank blood the night before. Some struggle with sin for a long time even after all the messages they kept hearing. Most of these cited cases resulted in their deliverance and testimonies. Few others have to go because the environment is too uncomfortable for them. Pray for our existing partners whose help made it possible to sustain the work to this point.
  2. We want those who would join our team as an advocate for the orphans and vulnerable kids. Such advocates will, in addition to prayers, commit themselves to raise partners who would support the work both in prayers and regular financial supports. Just recently, the prices of foodstuff have more than doubled. This inflation cut across every spectrum of their everyday needs like soap, pomade, toothpaste, and other toiletries. Our accommodation is becoming congested and we are building another house that would accommodate 30 more children. We are still trusting God for an additional N10 million to complete the project.
  3. You can join our team as a missionary caregiver. This requires that you must be born again, gone through mission training, and possibly gain some experience. You must be willing to relate with the children as your children. You must be willing to do the menial job like cooking, bathing the younger ones, washing their clothes when the need arises. If you are well educated and can drive, that will be awesome! It is residential and may require 24/7 attention.


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