Latin America Missions' Report, February 2020

Pastor & Mrs. Richmon
We are grateful to God for re-engaging in the Latin American nation of Brazil again this year despite all odds. This year marks my 11th year of ministry in this part of the world, a nation that is so hungry after God, very receptive to African missionaries and extremely hospitable like no other. God has been very gracious to me in the over 40 cities I have preached and the villages I have visited in many ways, and I am so grateful. At this 2020 mission trip, I have seen a more significant result than I anticipated, and I am truly humbled, grateful to God and our anchorpersons.

Open doors in Sao Paulo -  I had an open door at Sao Paulo town for the first time in 11years, preached in two Nigerian churches also for the first time in 11years and a Brazilian church.

Imperiatriz ministration
New frontiers - New doors such as Extrema, Minas Gerais State, and Cubatão, Sao Paulo State. At Imperiatriz, Maranhão State, where I had preached before in Baptist Church, I had a very grand opening at the Assemblies of God Church this time. I spoke on missions and had a miracle service once and had an hour session on their local radio station.

         Responses to serve as Missionaries - I have lost count on the number of persons that responded to call to serve as missionaries but they are significantly more than the past years put together. Several others gave their lives to Christ the first time while some backsliders got restored. We prayed for the sick and believed many were healed. There was no enough time for testimony at the programs.

         My health situation – At 56 and for someone who had battled with a diabetic challenge for over 10years, I am grateful to God for granting me the sound health to go through the rigors of this Latin American ministry. I broke my rule of not eating very late at night first to please my host and share fellowship with them on the table. Secondly, so I don’t starve. Despite all these, I have had stable health. My host provided all my meals except for the period I was on a journey from one part of the country to the other. They were very healthy meals, most often, a buffet where I had enough juice, fruit, and vegetables to take. We trust the Lord to grant me life and good health to continue with this work, but above all, raise a younger hand that will sustain the results gotten thus far.

      Finances – Traveling to this part of the world from Nigeria is very expensive ($1357.3), but looking 
With the leaders of Cubaiato churches.
a    at the result/impact, it is worth the price. Moving around within the country with an interpreter and sometimes paying last minute flight ticket is quite staggering, but we are glad that God has not left us stranded at any point. For example, going to Extrema through Campinas to Imperiatriz gulped R$3500 (USD 803.416).

         Co-laborers – On this trip, the Lord graciously provided a young missionary, Olukemi Tatiane, who worked with me for two weeks as an interpreter. We traveled together day and night, and she was not only interpreting but ready to learn. We pray the Lord to bless her for her labor and grant her the desires of her heart. Wife to a Nigerian missionary, Mrs. Richmon joined me for the remaining part of my ministry here. She is a Brazilian and a minister of the gospel. We both relied on God for His help, and He did help us.

My host and interpreter at Extrema
Leadership/Appreciation – Evangelist Peter Ikechukwu, a Nigeria missionary in Brazil, was not just an anchorperson but provided leadership for my work in Brazil this year. He gave his time, money, and energy to make the trip very fruitful. He and his wife, Salem received us into their home where we had a very refreshing time.  God used him in many ways. He arranged the meetings. He used his money to pay a considerable part of our transport fare within Brazil, including part of our flight ticket to Imperatriz. We are incredibly grateful to him for all the selfless sacrifices that have in no small way advance God’s kingdom.

       Prayer Points – We have seen a lot of good responses across the country, but that is not enough. 
     * Kindly join us to pray that God would sustain the convictions in the heart of those that responded and that He would raise them to change the destinies of tribes and nations in Jesus' name. 
        * Pray also, for those who surrendered their lives to Christ and those who got restored. Pray that Christ is formed in them. 
         *  Pray for our brother, Evangelist Ikechukwu, and his family that the Lord bless them. We cannot pay back for all they have sacrificed but let us pray that the Lord would honor them in return. 
         * Pray for my co-laborers, Tatiane and Richmon, that the Lord bless them. They were incredibly good and my ministry here would have not succeeded without them.
         * Pray for my hosts/anchorpersons at the various locations, I was involved in ministry. They have been excellent. They spent so much to put the meetings together. They were very humble and highly relational. It was good to meet with them and to know them.



DesmondC said...

Awesome and well articulated..Keep the good work on.God bless!

Unknown said...

Very good testamoney Thann God for this good report.

Unknown said...

Thank God for this open doors, you can't be stranded, because God is standing with you..

Pastor /Missionary Abiola Adesola Rasaq said...

All glory to God, all this labour will bring greater fruits, that will abide forever in Jesus name, amen. Greater grace sir. Muito obrigado pelo seu vindo para Brasil, volta sempre!

Unknown said...

Lord we give thanks for all the testimonies. Oh renew the strength of your son like that of eagle in Jesus Name.