Crawling in the Valleys of Death

Thank you so much for praying for me. I arrived RSA well but at the heart of xenophobic attack.  So painful to see human beings killing fellow human beings. Cars and buildings set ablaze, massive looting, etc. The situation is not better than Boko Haram and Fulani militias attack.  I crawled through the valleys of death to get to Pretoria using train. At Pretoria railway station, I waited for another two hours. I did not trust the taxi drivers enough to hire them.

At last, Lambert braved it and came over to pick me. The 10 to 15 minutes’ drive was very scary - seeing the SA Blacks gathered in groups like men waiting to pound on an enemy nation. Thank God, we arrived MET safely. Three hours after taking a much needed rest, I visited the shopping mall to get some fruit. Noticing the danger involved, Lambert chose to go with me. We missed each other there. After buying the fruit I went there for, I looked around for him for close to an hour. It was not a fun. His phone was ringing unpicked.  At this points shop owners were already closing up for fear of looting. More groups were already gathered. I courageously walked through them but not without speaking in tongue as if I was doing a prayer walk. In less than 10 minutes, I was at MET. What a speed!

Thinking of returning back to my country, but which one? Nigeria, battered by bandits with fever of kidnapping across every section? Fulani militias and Boko Haram? Fraudsters that hacked and hijacked my Facebook account just last week? I called my travel agent, he asked me to pay N45000 to change my ticket. I am still undecided. I want the Lord to make the choice. After all, no place is safe.  To live is Christ and if we run from the valleys of death, who will reach the nations, the inhabitants for whom Jesus also died for. We depend on God for His protection. May God give us access to the heart of men amidst all these so that no time or opportunity will be lost. Again, thank you for checking on me and above all for praying. Remember our heroes here, Peter, Ojubaro, Lambert, Tshepang, and their families. I have called some of them. They are safe and very courageous.


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