July 2019 Missions' Update

Greetings in Jesus name. We trust that the Lord is keeping you safe in the hollows of his hands and blessing you in all fronts in answer to our prayers. Thank you so much for your consistent partnership. God has been gracious to us despite some challenges.

Dr. Agnes, Okpe, Gone ahead 
Starting on a sad note, one of the co-founders and a member of the Board of Trustees of Grace Foundation, Dr. Agnes Okpe passed on to glory last month. Her transition is a huge shock and loss to us but we submit and surrender to God. The wake keeping is scheduled for July 16 and buried on July 19, 2019. We earnestly cover your prayers for the Lord to comfort her husband, three children and siblings.

A divine escape
One of our missionaries Joy Onoja narrowly escaped being crushed to death on the Jos-Bauchi express road at Zull while trying to run across to receive a missionary trainee, Raissa Taddi who had just arrived on posting for her field practical exposure. Sadly in an attempt to dodge from the road, the vehicle somersaulted, and the passengers were injured. Thank God for sparing us from the sorrow of untimely death and pray for speedy healing of the injured ones.

Pioneering work begins among the forgotten people - Oma
We have commenced a new pioneering effort at Oma in Benue State among the forgotten people of
One of the first set of converts at Oma
Aiona extraction of Idoma people. God gave us four converts in the last two weeks, and social contacts are already being established with Fulanis that are living among the people. Gabriel Itodo has been posted to work among the people as a resident missionary. We covet your prayers
for him and his family that God would shield them from every evil and grant them success in their effort. There is no church in the community and we will need to build one as soon as possible. Typical of a forest, the place is infested with snakes and scorpion. A snake was killed just a few days ago.

Mission training
All the Batch 24 students of the School of Cross-Cultural mission (SOCM) have been deployed to various mission fields for practical exposure. Join us to thank God for the miraculous provision of sponsorship for Adamu Ahmadu and his wife, Abel Onuh, Nasiru Maikudi and his wife, Saratu Sule recently. Earlier, Isaac Abah, Kabiru Bashiru, and Yusuf Adamu also benefitted from sponsorship grant from our partners. Most of the beneficiaries are from Fulani, Hausa, and Mambilla background. We have nine students that are still trusting God for sponsorship.  Another Fulani couple and two Mambilla couples have just been offered provisional admission in the Batch 25 session. Please, pray along with us for support for them and their families also as the mission training is the gateway to our mission field and determines how much we can meet needs for both pioneering missions as well as existing fields where missionary attrition occurs. Please, pray that God will bless our partners that have sacrificially identified with the mission training needs.

Home of Grace (HOG) update
Our ministry to orphans and vulnerable kids have continued to progress. Our three orphan kids from
Baby Naomi, growing...
the internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp have been successfully weaned from the trauma. We trust God that as we continue to demonstrate our love towards them, they will remain emotionally stable. Yakubu and Timothy did very well in their common entrance examination. We are trusting God for their uniform, textbook, and other things required for their secondary school.
With the additional resources from recent adoptions God blessed us with, we are tempted to bring more kids in response to the pressure from needy kids, but we are limited by accommodation space. We are considering building additional houses to accommodate the kids at Lamingo. Pray along with us for financial miracle to begin work. Besides the challenges of limited accommodation, the proximity of our current place to Rikkos, a Muslim settlement makes our current location very volatile for children that have a history of Jihadist invasion and their parent being killed in their presence to be exposed to the constant sound of gunshots as we experience from time to time now. It has been very traumatizing for them. The sound of the shot is a constant reminder. The Lamingo location would be safer.

Existing mission fields’ update
Lynda and Yohanna Ali brings Jesus back to Bolu
From Dir field, Yohanna and Rahila Musa seek for your prayer support towards some individuals that desire to surrender their lives to Christ but are scared because of the possible persecution from their family members. At Bolu mission field, God gave us three new convert during the house to house evangelism. There, Yohanna and Lynda Ali are concentrating on adult literacy program which comprises of the Boluawas and the Fulani.
From Zull, Isaac Abah reported that a young man who was afflicted with insanity was prayed for and God intervened. Pray that the miracle will attract members of the family to Christ. Joel Dukiya also reported that worship of masquerade and high levels of immorality remain a challenge for the Zullawas. So many people who desire to serve the Lord are faced with the challenge of abandoning their masquerade and their immoral relationship. He asked for prayers for God to deliver the people from these two strongholds. He also expressed his delight at the rate children are embracing the Lord and requested for prayers that they would abide and that Christ will be formed in them.
The mission house project at the Tibrri field, Niger Republic is at the lintel level now. We are trusting God for  fund for the lintel and post lintel work as well as roofing. Liman and Abigail Danwuya covet your prayer also for a financial miracle. Another small church building has been completed at Benin Republic, about N300,000 is required to roof , plaster and fix the doors. Pray for Ayuba Dawa as he settles down and takes time to learn their culture. He is trusting God for about N200,000 to complete his traditional marriage requirement.

30th Anniversary Reflection/Conclusion

On October 24-27, 2019 missionaries, partners and all the stakeholders of Grace Foundation would
 gather at various locations to appreciate God for his faithfulness and reflect over the journey thus far. With the recent transition to glory of the ministry co-founder and member of the board of trustees, Dr. Agnes Okpe, the celebration will be low-key.  The details will be communicated later.

Finally, thank you again and again for your partnership. May the Lord bless you for all your sacrifices. We will continue to covet your prayers as we continue in this journey of the beaming the light of the gospel to the dark places of the earth. We enjoin you to stay rapturable so that you don’t miss your ultimate reward when Christ comes to take us home.

His bondservant

Andrew Abah
International Director




To God be the glory for His continuous mercy upon you and the ministry.
It's sad indeed to learn about the demise of our Sister, Dr. Agnes Okpe. We pray God shall comfort her family in Jesus name.
We are grateful to God for the pioneering work at Oma, may God bless the work and keep the missionaries safe in Jesus name as we together trust God to raise funds for the building of Chapel there.

Unknown said...

God bless GFIM and Rev Abah and the leadership of the Foundation. May God comfort the family of Dr Agnes Okpe amd the entire ministry

Unknown said...

God be praised for where He has brought us.Greater grace for greater exploit in Jesus name. Daddy and Mummy the Lord Almighty strengthen and refresh more for his Glory

Unknown said...

Deepest condolences on the death of our dear sister--Dr Agnes Okpe.May God comfort us all: the immediate family, all the community of missionaries, and the church in general. In spite of all odds, let's keep our Master's flag flying.