March 2019 Missions Update

Thank you so much for your partnership over the years and since 2019 began in particular. We have seen God truly blessed our labor in many ways in answer to your prayers and would like to share the report with you as usual. May the Lord bless you richly in Jesus name.
Missions Training
SOCM Students baptizing Benin Republic converts
We have 19 missionary trainees undergoing the Grace Foundations’ one-year residential mission training at our School of Cross-Cultural Missions now with seven more students still trusting God for funds from Kenya, Malawi, Cameroon, and Nigeria. The Anude Family Legacy Endowment (AFLEND) provided sponsorship for three of the students. Two individuals provided the scholarship for three other students. We are incredibly grateful to all of them. Pray along with us for Gospel Bankers (Inc.). They have consistently supported the school over the years in providing sponsorship for some of our missionary trainees. Join us to pray that God would bless them as our partnership with them continue to raise the much-needed missionaries for the dark places of the earth.
Advancement of the church/mission house project on the mission field
We have seen God’s hand in several of our ongoing projects on the mission fields.
v At the Benin Republic, the converts came together under the leadership of Missionary Luka Iliya to build another church but could not roof it themselves because they ran out of fund. The ministry provided the fund for the roofing materials and carpenter workmanship as a way of encouraging them.
v The church at Kamberi that collapsed has been rebuilt up to the level that it can be roofed now.
v The mission house of Ahole, Niger Republic has been completed except for the toilet. 
v Work has begun on the foundation for the mission house project at Tibiri in the Niger Republic. Pray with us for a consistent flow of fund for speedy completion of the project. Thank God for the miraculous provision of a bore hole on the site.
v Dir church building that collapsed has been fully re-built, re-roofed and plastered.
Update on our brethren involved in gunshot and automobile accident
Shola Thomas,
Shot by Jihadist in military uniform
You recall, we had two of our brethren, Sunday Musa who was involved in an accident and Thomas Adeshola who was shot by the Fulani Jihadist at Jos University Hospital (JUTH) for several months. Adeshola went through two surgeries to get the bullets removed and still needed one more surgery. The place he was operated upon got infected, making it difficult to go through the third surgery. He was eventually discharged from the hospital to return after two months. Sunday Musa’s surgery was successful, but he is expected to have resume physiotherapy so he could be able to walk again.  We appreciate you for all your prayers, financial support and calls during these difficult moments. We covet your prayers for both of them that God will help them to walk with their legs perfectly again.
Discipleship Camp Meetings and 24th African Mission Summit (AMS 2019)
Jonathan, ministering at the foot of Zaranda mountain
The indigenous Believers Camp meeting at the various mission fields were successful. Many persons surrendered their lives to Christ, and the teachings addressed several issues and hopefully strengthened the converts in some ways. The AMS 2019 is scheduled for March 19-24 2019 at the Grace Foundations Headquarters. We covet your prayers for journey mercies for all the delegates, for resources needed for the program and above all the presence of God. We will be extremely grateful if you can squeeze out time to attend despite all your tight schedule. Our focus this year is “Prayer for the Nations”. Attendance is not limited to only mission leaders as we believe that the entire body of Christ has the responsibility to pray for the nations.

Refugees Ministry

March 2019 outreach to Heipang IDP camp
God continue to bless our work among the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). We continue to take foodstuffs and clothes to them. The Church of God Missions, Asaba under the leadership of Pastor Lucky donated 11 bags of assorted clothes and foodstuff. Soteria Church, Baltimore donated nine wardrobe boxes of clothes for distribution in needy communities (some of them were taken to the IDP camp). The Tabitha Arise also contributed foodstuff to the IDPs on two occasions and have consistently supported one of the three orphans adopted from the IDP camp. The Grace Foundation in Furaka Community also contributed. We have selected a few of the women who joined us at our mission headquarters for fellowship with our women which was aimed at encouraging them and healing them of trauma.
The various outreaches we had there were heart-touching. The needs were very obvious, and the much we were doing were like drop of water in the ocean considering the magnitude of their need. Our last meeting with them in March 2019 was again heartbreaking as they stress their heart desire to return home but unfortunately, the Fulanis have occupied their homes and nothing is being done by the government to retrieve their homes back to them. They added that they have run out of foodstuff because well-spirited individuals no longer visit them like before.
Home of Grace(HOG)
Little Daniel Daji,
Now Law student to be
Both the smaller kids and the growing teenagers at the HOG are making progress. Daniel Daji secured admission into the University of Jos to study Law. Jonathan Umoru has completed his IJMB and is awaiting admission to the University. We received another kid from Taraba State, and three others from Gombe State have joined the home. Pray with us for resources, wisdom, and grace to bring them up in fear of God. Pray for our partners for God’s blessing and for resources to be consistent. Pray for the younger kids. They need a lot of attention and care.
Conclusion/Prayer Points
We are earnestly grateful to God for the progress we made in every aspect of our work including missions training, discipleship, evangelism, completion/advancement of many field projects, etc.  We cannot thank God enough, and we are grateful to you for your prayers and sacrificial giving. We pray that the Lord will bless you richly in return.  Please do not fail to pray for us even as we pray for you always. Below are some prayer points:
v By the end of this month, we will have 26 students at the School of Cross-Cultural Missions. They left all to follow Christ like the early disciples. Please pray for sponsorship that will cater for their feeding, tuition and field trips. Pray for God’s blessing over our existing partners.
v Some of our mission house and church projects are yet to be completed. Pray for funds for the completion of these projects.
v We have recruited more missionaries and by implication need more partners to adopt them for financial and prayer support. Please, pray for God’s blessing over all our partners who are currently adopting the older missionaries.
v Pray for our missionaries and converts operating at very difficult and dangerous mission fields. We cannot document many of the great things God is doing in some of the fields because of the risk involved. Keep praying for us.
God bless you. Maranatha!


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