December 2018 Missions Update

Greetings in the name of Jesus and Merry Christmas in advance.

We praise God for keeping us to the end of the year 2018 and thank you so much for partnering with us to focus on taking the gospel to the unreached people and putting smiles on the faces of orphans, widows and vulnerable kids especially those in the Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps. It is incredible how God protected us, provided for us and helped us did His biddings these past months. Thank you for praying and supporting us with funds

Harvest in Bum
Baptizing Kaka, the oldest woman in Zull land that
 resisted gospel for many years
God continue to draw men and women to Himself from almost all the mission fields. The most recent is the conversion of a very old woman in Zull popularly known as Kaka. The woman had consistently resisted the gospel until a few weeks ago when she came under serious conviction, and she called on the field leader, Ladi Ekpa to come to pray for her and set her idols on fire. She and other recent converts have been baptized. 

Regional Leader’s Auto Accident
Our regional leader for Kamberi, Dukawa, Bokko and Fulani fields (Sunday Musa) was involved in a motorcycle accident while on an official journey between New Bussa and Luma in Niger state. His kneecap was badly affected. After spending some days at New Bussa General Hospital, he was referred to a Teaching Hospital and was brought to Jos. He had surgery on the knee after spending some weeks in the hospital. He is recovering very fast and has been discharged from the hospital. He will remain in Jos for some time for a medical checkup and for him to be stronger.

We are extremely grateful to DaySpring Ministry, Our Daily Needs Ministry, Soteria Ministry, Grace Foundation Staff in the Niger Republic, Benin Republic, Niger State, and converts from the Mission fields for the financial support they provided that drastically helped with the medical expenses. We are incredibly grateful to many other individuals who contributed in one way or the other and numerous calls and visits by friends, partners, and family members. Much thanks also to the headquarter staff and Home of Grace children who took care of him when he was in the hospital. We are extremely grateful.

Ministry to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
We continued to do our best to extend God’s love to widows and orphans in the IDP camps in Plateau State. Recently, we invited 20 widows to spend three days with us at the headquarters during our National Women Conference. We took the time to fellowship with them, prayed with them and bless them materially and financially.
We have visited the camp twice in recent times to provide them foodstuffs and toiletries. Through the provision of funds by Tabitha Arise, we were able to get another five bags of rice, five bags of garri, two Jerican of oils toiletries, etc. for the displaced persons for their end of year celebration. We covet your prayers for the donors that God will bless them mightily.

Ministry to orphans and vulnerable kids - Home of Grace (HOG)
Some of our HOG kids testing their Christmas clothes
Our kids at the Home of Grace are doing well. Jonathan Umoru is warming up for his Interim Joint Admission Matriculation Board (IJMB) examination. Sarah Ali is also preparing hard for her NECO and WASC examination while Elizabeth and Samuel are getting ready for the Junior WASC examination. They are set for Christmas, the new entrants, Timothy, Domshak, Rosaline, Victor, and Alheri have two pairs of clothes sown for them for their Christmas and New Year. Others have one each, and they all look colorful and fine in their Christmas clothes.

As usual, Yakubu Abel came first in his class. Sarah came second, and Naomi came third. We covet your prayers for Elizabeth and Victor. They are weak and need help to catch up. Domshak who is just coming from a war situation does not know how to read and write. We have begun effort at getting him to know some basic things. We covet prayers for Salisu Chiroma for admission into the University of Jos.

Preparation for the indigenous Believers Camp Meeting (IBC 2019) for Bauchi State covering Zullawas, Yelwas, Dirawas, Boluawas, and other tribal groups is in top gear.
Also, we have the Niger State version covering Kamberi, Dukawas, Bookos, Fulanis and other tribes around Borgu and the Benin Republic border on January 23-27, 2019.
The 24th African Mission Summit comes up on March 19-23, 2019. We covet your prayers for a peaceful political climate in the face of the 2019 general election.

On a sad note
Sister christiana Obateru
A few weeks ago, the daughter of one our very dear partner and friend, Mr. Taiye Obateru passed on to glory at the age of 23. She is a final year medical student at the University of Jos and their only daughter. We are very sad and have appealed to all our friends and partners to kindly pray for the Obateru’s family for comfort.

Our brother, Tom Shola who was shot on his lap during the last Jos Jihadist attack is still on admission in the hospital. The Plateau State Government undertakes to pay the bill, and his first surgery has been carried out. Unfortunately, all the drugs prescribed that are not available in the hospital pharmacy have to be bought outside the hospital pharmacy and funds are not provided for drugs. Also, he is due for the second surgery but additional N150, 000.00 is required to settle the doctors outside the normal hospital bill for it to be carried out. We felt it was unethical, but it is a norm in that hospital now. The explanation is that some of the materials used by the doctors for the surgery will not be supplied by the hospital. The situation is very pathetic and helpless. We, therefore, appeal for your prayers.

Prayer Needs
1.    Pray for the Taiye Obateru’s family for comfort following bereavement of their only daughter.
2.    Pray for Thomas Adeshola who was already due for second surgery following gunshot for the provision of fund for the doctors’ surgery charges (150,000.00 beside what government will be paying)
3.    Praise God for successful surgery of Sunday Musa. Pray that God will bless all that donated towards settling the medical bill and for a quick recovery.
4.    All our vehicles are in bad shape. Recently my car engine got knocked. The least Toyota Corolla engine we got is N340,000 minus workmanship. Pray for the miracle of the fund to put the car in good shape or get a new reliable car.
5.    Pray for our missionaries for their needs to be met. We are trusting God for N1 million for Missionary Children Education Fund (MCEF) to assist parents struggling with their children education expenses.
6.    Pray for fund to meet up with our budgets for 2019 like the completion of building projects on the mission fields, foreign mission including those to closed nations, missionary empowerment projects, sponsorship for our prospective missionaries who are due to have resume training but do not have  N130,000 and some flight tickets from Malawi, Kenya, and Cameroun.
7.    Pray for all our partnering churches/ agencies and individuals funding the upkeep of our missionaries, Home of Grace Kids and sponsoring missionary training/ projects on the fields that God would bless them mightily and continue to provide for them and sustain their heart to continue that support in 2019.
8.    Pray for our converts, the orphans / vulnerable we are taking care of and the missionary trainees that Christ will be formed in them.
9.    Pray for our leaders that God will shield them from every evil and that God will perfect all that concerns them. Dr. Agnes Okpe came under severe attack in 2018, but God delivered her from death. Pray for her that affliction will not arise the second time.
    Finally, thank you so much for praying and standing with us financially may God bless you richly. May we together continue strong and end well in Jesus name.

His bondservant

Andrew Abah
International Director


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