We praise God for the opportunity to labour with Him this year again. Thank you for joining hands with us to contribute our quota to advancing His kingdom among several unreached people groups. The journey into the dark nations has been worth it. God has been absolutely awesome all the way. We have seen incredible progress since the year 2014 began and we owe Him all the glory.

Conversions on Increase
Niger State Indigenous Believers
The primary purpose of our existence is being fulfilled as we see several persons surrender their lives to Jesus across the various mission fields in and outside Nigeria in jungles where ordinarily they would never have accessed the gospel. In Borgu local Government, venue of our Niger State Indigenous Discipleship Camp Meeting (IBC), many of the Dukawas and Kamberis in attendance surrendered their lives to Jesus. Reports from Chad, Niger Republic and the fields within Nigeria also revealed God’s faithfulness in the same way. Pray along with us that effort at discipling the new converts will yield lasting result.

Field Tools & Infrastructure for Field Missionaries
A new well for Bum
God has helped us greatly in our effort at providing basic infrastructure/tools to enhance the performance of our missionary teams on various fields. Your partnership made all these possible in a short time:
1.    At Bum, Zullawa field, the church hall was raised to lintel level.
2.    Also, God blessed the community with a well.
3.    At Dir field, the remaining floor work and plastering of the mission house was completed.
4.    At Niger Republic, fund was sent for the purchase and registration of a stronger brand new motorcycle.
5.     At Bolu, the new mission house project has been taken to almost window level.
A new church for the Zullawa tribe
6.    At Furaka, the mission house project has advanced. A portion of it has been completed and some of our Home of Grace (HOG) Kids have moved in.
7. At Kamberi, we completed the two bedroom flat started January last year.

Coming Events
The 19th African Mission Summit (AMS 2014) is our annual strategic missions Consultations that attract delegates from several nations across the continent. We are preparing day and night towards the events coming up on March 12-16, 2014 and covet your prayers. Some of our delegates have gotten their entry visa ready while others are still waiting. Pray that God will grant all of them favour before the Nigerian High Commissioners, safe trip, funds to meet up with the budget for the summit. Pray above all that God’s presence will be mighty and that the summit will advance the Kingdom of God among the Unreached people groups mightily.

Home of Grace Kids
The Kamberi kids
The kids are doing very well. God miraculously provided resources for foodstuff that will last for some months for the kids. We have also registered four of them for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB Examination) and the Junior Secondary School (JSS) Examination for (Jonathan Umoru) and National Examination Council for one person (Rachael Yakubu). We still have challenges with the school fees of some of the kids and some uniform have to be replaced. We will continue to covet your prayers for the kids that the plan and purpose of God for their lives will be fulfilled.

Missions Training
Our training program is going on well with the Batch 20 settling down.  Pray for Francis Kuntenga from Malawi to secure his visa and air ticket in good time to join. Pray also for Patricia Levi from Ghana. She is really struggling to cope especially with the challenges of her two kids and finance. With more funds, more of the candidates for this Batch will join between now and March 2014. All the other students are coping except one who eventually withdrew after much pressure from his family.

New Staff/Staff Movement/Family News
God added to us more staff in answer to our prayers for labourers.  Ode Agabi, the former President of ECWA Student Ministry, University of Jos joined the team late last year. He has a BSc. Degree in Geology and has been involve in outreaches to the GFIM fields since his student days at the University. Early this year, Joseph Ayikoye also joined our team. While Ode is located at Furaka, Joseph Ayikoye will be operating from Abuja providing leadership for our Mobilisation Team. Ayikoye has a Master of Science Degree in Analytical Chemistry. He is also an Alumni of Missions Exposures & Training (MET) and had laboured for God as Travelling Secretary with Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES).

Stella Ella has resigned her appointment to join her ageing mother at Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria. Until her resignation, Stella laboured in Kamberi and Dir Fields and was later drafted to head the Home of Grace (HOG). She took a prolonged study leave and resumed over a year ago but her failing health has affected her performance adversely. She made very significant input in her early years in GFIM and we remain deeply grateful to her. We pray that God will direct her step and case her latter end to be more fruitful.
On a positive note, God blessed our missionary couple at Tugan- Ali labouring among the Dukawa people, Nuhu and Sabatu Karanbana with twins in January 2014. They lost their baby three years ago and have since then suffered series of miscarriages before the Lord helped then to sustain the twins. She delivered the babies at home without any complication very far away from hospital and medical personnel. Earlier, the family of our Kamberi field leader, Sunday and Faith Musa were blessed with a baby girl.

Praise/Urgent Needs/Prayer Requests
1.    Join us to praise God for the conversions we are experiencing on the various mission fields including hardened Muslims(Details cannot be put in writing)
Praise God for a new motorbike for Niger Republic field
2.    Join us in thanking God for the progress made in many of the building projects across the fields, the new motorcycle and the new babies added to the families of the staff.
3.    Pray for concrete progress and finishing of all outstanding projects, visas/resident permit for the new students at our School of Cross-Cultural Missions, funds for the resumption of 10 more new students.
4.    Pray for the coming events especially the African Missions Summit for journey mercies, visas, flight tickets, funding and above all the presence of God and that the final outcome will be advancement of God's kingdom among the unreached people..
5.    Pray for divine protection for all our staff and their families. Some are working in the heart of very hostile tribes/Muslims. Pray also that God will provide for all their financial needs.
Finally, thank you so much for your consistent partnership. We pray earnestly that God will bless you and replenish your source.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah

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