Dearly Beloved,

Calvary greetings in Jesus' name. We are grateful to God for the privilege of being part of the year. He has been incredible to us, and we have continued to experience His faithfulness in every sense. The much we have contributed to advancing His kingdom is because of your partnership and collaboration over the years. Thank you so much. Below are some of our recent missions’ update:

Miracles and Conversions Across the Fields 

The newly baptized Furaka believers
One of the common features of Jesus' ministry was miracles. God consistently backed up His words with signs and wonders as the missionaries labored across the various mission fields.  These miracles attracted many to embrace Christ as their Lord.  Ezekiel Ibrahim at the Egbesi field reported that some hardened Muslims were among those that got saved. At the Dukawa field, Sunday Ibrahim noted that the church building could no longer accommodate the increasing number of new believers. At the same time, at Bum, Ladi Ekpa said that a young girl surrendered her life to Christ.  We also received similar heartwarming reports from our missionaries based in some of the Muslim nations of people who embraced the Lord for the first time. At Furaka, nine persons were baptized this month after vigorous discipleship.

 Discipleship Centers Among the Sangawas and Fulanis

As God continues to add to the number of believers, efforts at getting them to be like Jesus both through intensive teachings and praying have continued to intensify shortly after Adamu Ahmadu resumed work at Goummana in Cameroon.  He is currently discipling 11 men, 12 women, six teenagers, and 20 children who meet regularly to pray and study God’s word. They are all Fulanis and MBBs.

Also, at Sanga in Nigeria, Yusufu Muraimo and Yusuf Iliya (Not their real name) began to meet as a group to study God’s words together. The rainfall has reduced in several of the fields, and fellowship has fully resumed. Pray along with us until Christ is formed in them. 

Miraculous Escape at Various Mission Fields

Elisha, son of one of our missionaries, Joel Dukiya, was bitten by a snake. Pray for a speedy recovery for him. Also, four of his other children are presently sick and are on a drip last week. He is the missionary whose wife died two years ago. Pray along with us that affliction will not arise the second time.  

At kwanga, Jos East Local Government of Plateau State, Samuel Moses mistakenly stepped on the head of a snake. How he escaped been bitten by the snake was a miracle, and at the same Kwanga, we have killed several snakes, including snakes with two heads. At the Benin Republic, Sayeri stepped on a snake at Libentee mission field unknowingly. The snake raised its head to attack him but for divine intervention. We are grateful to God for the miracle.

Also, a mysterious wind blew some pepper into the eyes of our missionary at Kubule mission field. He went blind, but with much prayers, he received his sight. The power encounters at the various mission fields are on the increase, and we earnestly covet your prayers for divine protections for all the missionaries and their families. The missionary with mental health challenge we reported in our September missions’ update was taken to hospital and diagnosed with Panic Disorder. Still, the doctor said it has not gotten to a chronic stage and assured us that he would be well. We are praying and counting on God for the finished work of Calvary on his behalf.    

COVID 19 and the New Burkina Faso/Cameroon Work

Our Anchor Person at Ouagadougou said the COVID 19 Protocol in place may still not be friendly enough for pioneer effort but that the missionaries, Yohanna Alih and Harouna Tiengo deployed to the country could at least come over on familiarization visit but our Niger Republic Country Director, Liman DanWauya stressed that the border that leads to Burkina Faso from the Niger Republic is still under closure. Yohanna Alih will have to stay put in the Niger Republic to learn the French language and its culture.

For Cameroon, Ahmadou Adamu had some issues with the Police because his Cameroon ID card has expired. He got a two-month temporary permit, and hopefully before it expires, he will formally renew it. We were only able to pay for three months’ rent and we trust God for funds to renew the rent as soon as it expires. His wife, Amina, and children will remain in Nigeria until some of these issues are sorted out.  The work among the Fulanis is still young but thriving.

Home of Grace (HOG) Update

Despite some unpleasant experiences we had with some of the kids at the Home of Grace (HOG), the overall result of our ministry to orphans and vulnerable have continued to yield a positive result. This month, we celebrated the second anniversary of Timothy Ezekiel, Domshak Ezekiel, Victor Aderemi, and Roseline Christopher.  Within the past two years, God has helped us immensely to deal with their trauma (the parent of some of them were slaughtered in their presence). We have also helped them in their studies using private teachers to bring them up to date and fixing them in a school that will give them the best. God has, through our partners, blessed them with very good clothes, and every basic need that will keep them happy.  We are incredibly grateful for all the sacrifices made by our partners and friends that made these possible. We are delighted that they have fully adjusted to the home. Like we reported earlier, Priscilla John, Victor Michael, and Precious Micheal have been released. Jonathan Umoru was admitted to Bauchi State University and has since resumed before the COVID 19 closure, is currently at Dir. We are glad that he and his family have fully reconciled after many years of intense persecution for his faith. The other remaining children are doing well.

Some of the HOG kids

Eight more kids are joining the home this October from challenging and dangerous terrain. Four of them are full orphans, and four others are missionary kids whose parents are working in mission fields that are not safe for the kids, and above all, do not have schools that can take care of their children. Please, we covet your prayers earnestly for God to raise partners that would fund their upkeep, studies, etc. Pray also along with us that God will bless our partners who are already sacrificing so much to keep both the Home and the missionaries and their families on the field.

The Home of Grace at the Niger Republic is doing well, but they desperately need a vehicle to move them to school and back daily, they trek several kilometers. I have offered to give them my Sienna car, but it will require some repair, fund to process change of documentation/custom paper to Grace Foundation (Fondation de la Grace), and fuel it to Niger. Pray that the Lord will provide the resources as soon as possible.

Missions Training Update

SOCM Graduates
The School of Cross-Cultural Missions (SOCM) is making progress with Set 26 students. Many of the
candidates admitted for this set could not resume due to financial challenges, while some are still trusting God for the fund to resume in January, others hope they will join the training in March 2021. Nevertheless, we covet your prayers fervently as a lack of sponsorship for prospective missionaries will affect the number of missionaries that will engage the remaining tribes pleading for missionaries. The cost of training and the upkeep of the orphans and vulnerable kids are not the same as before, the prices of foodstuff have almost doubled. Transport costs, as well as electricity charges, are no longer easily affordable, and we keep trusting the Lord, who called us to continue to provide. God has used Anude Family Legacy Endowment Fund (AFLEND) consistently for three years to fund three candidates per annum. Pray that God will bless every member of the family and pray also for Gospel Bankers Inc. They have been very supportive of our mission training program. Pray that the Lord will replenish their source.

Thank you so much for your love, sacrifices, collaboration, and all you do to join us to advance God's kingdom especially among the people who ordinarily may never be able to access the gospel. We pray for you always for God's protection over you and your family as well as for God's blessings in all your endeavors. We covet your prayer as well. You are aware that our family and us are key targets of the devil. God has used your prayers to keep us and strengthen our hands even amidst very difficult times. Again, thank you so much.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah



Bank Details - Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank(GTB).  Account Name/Number: Grace Foundation Inland Missions/0025911166. Type: Current

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Unknown said...

May the LORD continue to grace you and the missionaries

Unknown said...

His work will never suffer setback, instead it will strive against all odds. His blessing shall continually be showered on Grace Foundation Inland Mission and family.

Greater grace and protection upon the missionaries and families on the field.

God bless you and family much more Dad.

Unknown said...

We appreciate God faithfulness over his work, may His présence will not desrt from us

Unknown said...

More good Sir. The work of God will progress and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.
Thank God for the testimonies and amen to all the petitions and prayers.