Calvary greetings in Jesus' name. Thank you so much for your partnership, even in the face of COVID 19. God continues to use your prayer, morale, and financial support to sustain us as we continue to labor and advance God’s kingdom in the dark places of the earth. Below is the combination of testimonies of what God has done these past two months and prayer points relating to some of our prevailing challenges requiring divine intervention.

Bum Mission House Collapsed

Collapsed mission house
Part of the mission house at the Bum mission field has collapsed after concerted heavy rainfall. 
Please, join us to thank the Lord that nobody was hurt. Also, join us to pray that God will provide resources for a stronger mission house to be built immediately as there is no house to rent in the community. Ladi Ekpa, the occupant of the mission house, is one of Grace Foundation's choicest, passionate, most enduring, and consistent missionaries. 
Pray that the Lord strengthens and protects her. Just some days before the house collapsed, she almost got drowned in a river while on a visit to converts that have challenges. The field is also threatened with herdsmen's pressure now. The Fulani herdsmen destroyed the farm of a Zullawa man.  Instead of the herdsman apologizing, he felt provoked that he was confronted, and he, in turn, mobilized other Fulani fighters. Thank God that the Divisional Police Officer promptly intervened.

Mental Health Issue with Missionaries

Two years ago, we withdrew a missionary who had some visible mental health challenges from the mission field. We had withdrawn two prospective missionaries from our School of Cross-Cultural Missions for the same reasons previously. Less than a week ago, we were confronted with the same challenge and had requested that the missionary be brought to the headquarters for attention. We have been under severe pressure because of this and other emerging challenges on some of the mission fields, and we earnestly covet your prayers for divine intervention, wisdom and resources to manage the situation.

Daring Territorial Powers in Oma Missions Field Neighborhood

The work at the Oma mission field is extending to some villages around Oma that are in serious need. One of those villages is under a severe grip of witchcraft spirit that hates the sight of men. Almost all the men in the village have died in mysterious circumstances, and the few surviving ones moved out of the area. The women, who are mainly widows, vowed to resist the gospel, adding that no church will be planted there. The missionaries, Andrew Marafa and Abel Onuh covet your prayers as they persist in preaching the gospel to them as they hope to plant a church there in the future despite their resistance. The converts at the Oma center are coming up and have been very consistent with their discipleship class. They covet prayers for funds for musical equipment as that would attract many youths to the gospel. Plastering and flooring work has resumed at their fellowship center, but the fund could only go halfway.  Pray along with us for funds to complete the work.

Spiritual Mapping of Sanga/Gwa Mission Field Continues

Our missionaries, Joel Dukiya, Amina and Ahmadu Adamu, are still surveying the Sanga people and studying their culture. While still visiting the villages around to establish the most appropriate one to operate from, they got some houses to rent at Gomau, which currently serve as the mission base. Amina Adamu was severely ill and was hospitalized. When we noticed that there was no sign of improvement, she was brought to Jos and was hospitalized at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital. She has fully recovered and has since returned to the mission field. We appreciate our partners for all their prayers and financial support. The Adamus have been quite burdened for the Fulani people of Northern Cameroon and have been redeployed there for fresh pioneering work. Yunusa and Peace Adamu have been posted there to take over the work in Sanga from them.  The Lord blessed the missionary with a motorcycle by Eternity Ministry. We pray the Lord to bless them a hundredfold.

Meanwhile, the survey carried out among the Gwa people, an almost 100% Muslim group, revealed that much prayers still need to be made to engage them due to security reasons. While our team was there, one of the Gwa people was killed.

Dir/Bolu Mission Fields

Just after completing a two-bedroom and sitting room apartment for our missionary couple, Yohanna and Rahila Musa at Dir, God blessed them with a brand new motorcycle by some donors via the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) as part of support towards the Bauchi State Missions Consultation. The pressures and threats from the migrants from Plateau State have been very intense. The fear of these people has been a great barrier for the people to respond to the gospel, and we covet your prayers for courage for the few Dirawa believers. Pray for fresh grace and wisdom for the missionaries as they contemplate new strategies for reaching out to the people. 

Kogi State Missions Consultations

After several months of lockdown as a result of COVID 19, we held the Igala Missions Summit 2020 at the Kogi State University. The summit attracted key Igala Christian leaders from within the Igala nation and the diaspora. During the summit, we reminded the leaders of the over 200 villages that still do not have any known church and the need to take the light of the gospel to these priority areas. The leaders, representing all known leading denominations and mission groups, were convinced of the need to be at the forefront of pursuing the vision.

 We also had the privilege of speaking both at the plenary and workshop sessions of the Calebite World Mission Conference. Over a hundred persons responded to the altar call for pioneer missions, especially among unreached peoples. Follow up discussion is ongoing to enable some of them  enroll at the School of Cross-Cultural Missions. Some of the volunteers went for short term missions immediately after the conference, and the result was extremely encouraging. Many villages were visited. Many idol worshippers surrendered their lives to Christ and brought out their idols to be burnt. Churches were planted, and discipleship work is going on right now.  Please, we covet your prayers that the impact of the two conferences will result in the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Missions Training

The students rounded up their two-month field trip and have resumed classwork. Since the resumption, the students have taken Appropriate Skills and Sports Ministry in Missions. Each student learned how to make pomade, soap, disinfectants like izal and Dettol, basic bricklaying, among others. Three of our students benefited from the Anude Family Legacy (AFLEND) scholarship. We have ten other candidates who are still trusting God for resources to resume. Pray along with us for resources to enable them to resume as soon as possible. Pray for the trainers as they continue to trust the Lord for wisdom, fresh unction, and help to cope with this critical double-digit inflation. So much fund is required to subsidize the cost of training, especially the feeding cost of the students.

Home of Grace 

This is an unusual time for the kids at the HOG as they have never been used to staying at home for such a long time without going to school. We spent quality time studying the scripture together. We exposed teenagers to skill development. Some of the kids changed the environment by traveling to Abuja. We dealt with some character issues, especially with teenagers. We had the privilege of celebrating the birthday of Rosa and Timothy for the first time. Priscilla John was formally released after over 20 years with the HOG. She has completed her degree program in Guidance and Counselling from the University of Jos. We covet your prayers for her as she grapples with a mental health challenge.

The increase in the electricity and prices of foodstuff have been quite challenging as the cost of running the home has skyrocketed without a corresponding increase in our income. Pray along with us for God to raise man and women that will be committed to providing fund for the upkeep of the children.

Appreciation and Conclusion

Thank you so much for your partnership over the years. The Lord has used you to help us continue to wax stronger and stronger in our labor to advance God’s kingdom in the dark places of the earth, even in the face of the COVID 19 recession. We pray that the Lord will bless you beyond your imagination. Please, kindly note all the prayer points listed in this missions’ update. We covet your prayers, and we are committed to praying for you always. God will reward your sacrifices and labor of love.

Bank Details:

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank(GTB)
Account Name/Number: Grace Foundation Inland Missions/0025911166
Type: Current

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Dollar Account
Account Name/Number: Grace Foundation Inland Missions/0025911180
Type: Current

Bank: United Bank of Africa(UBA)
Account Name/Number: Grace Foundation Inland Missions/1003079763
Type: Current

Bank: Diamond Bank
Account Name/Number: Grace Foundation Inland Missions/0003651639
Type: Current


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