April/May 2020 Missions' Update

Dearly Beloved,

Easter greetings in Jesus' name. We trust that the Lord is keeping you safe amidst this Coronavirus pandemic. You have been in our prayer list consistently, and we believe God that all that the word of God promised in Psalm 91 on your protection remains your portion in Jesus' name. Thank you for your consistent partnership even at these odd times.

Before the pandemic escalated, we had a very busy month in March 2020. Firstly our staff were all in Jos for a short retreat, followed by the 25th African Mission Summit (AMS 2020) during which delegate from Nigeria, South African, Cameron, Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, Benin, etc. converged together at Jos. We had, among others, Dr. Chuka Anude from Soteria Church, Maryland, USA, Rev. Govind Ramachandra from Baptist Church, Dubai, UAE, Elsie Govender from South Africa, etc. as guest speakers.

The participants were encouraged, many sick people were healed, and some of the indigenous leaders who were in attendance had the opportunity of meeting other leaders from within and outside the country. The testimonies were mind-blowing, and we give God the glory. Thank you for your prayer and financial contribution to the Summit. Pray along with us that the impacts will remain indelible and advance God’s kingdom in our various mission fields.

Pan - African Leaders Summit
Similar to the African Missions Summit, the Four Square Gospel Church had a Summit for their leaders across Africa at Cotonou, the Benin Republic, where the International Director served as one of the plenary speakers. He spoke on dealing with the scourge of Islam in Africa at the leadership Summit, which was attended mainly by leaders, including the General Overseers of some of the African nations and foreign mission directors from Nigeria, Chad, Rwanda, Ghana Benin Republic, etc.

Latin America Mission
Brazil missions trip
Also, in March, we had the privilege of ministering at Brazil across various cities and denominations but predominantly at Assemblies of God’s denomination. Although it was mainly a mission drive, we had testimonies of individuals who surrendered their lives to Christ and others who got healed. Many persons responded to the call for missions. Three of such persons are making a plan to enroll in the Grace Foundation School of Cross-Cultural Missions and another five top leaders are planning to attend The Missions Exposures and Training (MET) course at Pretoria, South African. Again, we are extremely grateful to Evangelist Peter Ikechukwu for the incredibly amazing love and support he provided that ensured the success of this trip.

Field Projects Update
Despite the lockdown, God helped us to buy a motorcycle for the Bolu mission field this week. The motorcycle was stolen two months ago when our missionary, Yohanna Ali, traveled to Bauchi. It was stolen from the Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) premises. Life has been tough for them since then.
The Kamberi field under the leadership of Sunday Musa has started work on a new church project at Kubule with excavation, blending, and forming and are trust the Lord that in the next one month, the church will be completed and dedicated. Please join us to pray for God’s blessing on the donor (name withheld). Also, at Samunaka, we are fixing doors and windows. Also, at Tibriri in the Niger Republic, we are at the conclusive phase of the mission house project, which is the toilet soak away. At Oma, we are fixing pillars, doors, and windows. We give God the glory for the provision.

Home of Grace (HOG).
Before the lockdown, the kids were doing well with their studies. Blessing Garba wrote her JAMB
HoG kids visit to IDP camp
and met the university cutoff point. She is currently studying for her WAEC and NECO exam despite the lockdown, while Comfort Boubacar is preparing for her Junior WAEC examination.  For the period of the isolation, we stopped all our secular staff including the NYSC Corp member serving with the ministry from coming to the premises and insisted that the missionary staff living in the mission base comply with the Federal Government’s directive of Isolation/social distancing to avoid contact with the kids. We have stored up foodstuffs and hope the Lord will provide more funds for us to add to what we already have.  As the kids remain indoor, we engage them in learning a skill like plaiting hair. We also enjoy increase bonding as we interact with each other more and more and take time to pray together and study God’s word together.

Local Mission Field Update
Oma Mission field blessing widows
Not all our mission fields complied with the restriction/isolation order at the onset because of their rural nature, so we had the opportunity to preach the word of God and met the needs of the poor. We had over 20 converts from Oma, Bolu, and Zull. We distributed 29 new wrappers to poor widows at Oma and neighboring Kogi State of Nigeria. Pastor Bazin Maurice from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Evangelist Okezie Omerua from Lagos were part of the team that visited the Oma mission field. Films were projected and the responses were also heartwarming. Elsie ministered at Masaka, and many responded to the gospel.  At Furaka, there is full compliance with the government order as the church was locked up, and converts/members were asked to stay at home.

Missions Training
The School of Cross-Cultural Missions graduated our 24th set of students.  Altogether, 22 students
Set 24 Graduating students
were prayed for and released to the mission field. The 25th set is on. Since they are not up to 50 in number, we ensure social distance and continue with lectures. It is hoped that if the lockdown is lifted, they will proceed to the mission field for their two months filed practical. Currently, Pastor Bazin Maurice concluded his course, Biblical Counseling, and History, of Missions and Pastor James Ahmadu is presently teaching Basic Health Education.

Staff Matter     
Simon Peter got married last month. We are grateful to God for the provision, and we pray that their home is fruitful, and they will advance God’s assignment committed to his hand. God blessed our team with additional staff last month. They are:
  • v  Pastor & Mrs. Adamu Ahmadu. They are Fulani by tribe and are to serve at Cameroon among the Fulanis.
  • v  Pastor & Mrs. Ibrahim  Musa, who are Hausas by the tribe. They will join the team in Bolu as the missionary couple at Bolu, Pastor & Mrs. Yohana Ali prepare to relocate to Burkina Faso for pioneering work.
  • v  Pastor & Mrs. Kabiru Bashiru from Mambila Plateau are engaged to work among the Zallawa people as Pastor Stephen Paul moves to Furaka in preparation for the next phase of his ministry.
  • v  Also, we have Pastor Ezekiel Ayuba and Sunday Ibrahim. They are joining the team at the Kamberi field. 
  • We covet your prayers for God to connect us to more and more partners that will help in adopting these missionaries and provide their upkeep allowances.

Concern/Prayer Points 
Please join us to pray for the release of eight of our colleagues serving with CAPRO that were kidnapped on March 2, 2020, about midnight from  Maruba, Kamuku  Mission Field. It is more than one month that they were abducted. Only two persons have been released since then. Pray that the rest of them will be released unharmed in Jesus' name.

We are concern about the other missionaries working in several fields across the nation. The fields are porous, and only God will shield them from this new trend of evil attacks. Please, pray for divine protection.

The lockdown may soon begin to impair some of our team and Home of Grace if there is no divine intervention. Several of our partners are impacted adversely by the lockdown resulting from coronavirus and unable to remit their monthly support. Pray for all our partners at this time – firstly for divine protection and secondly for divine provisions. As the Lord bless you, we certainly need financial support now than ever.

Also, the season of snake is here again. Four snakes were sighted entering our Bolu mission house. Three of the snakes were killed, but the fourth snake escaped. Pray for divine protection for our missionaries and their families against snake bites and for the fund to install doors in all our mission houses that are yet to be completed.
We are praying for you. Remember us in your prayers also. God bless you, richly.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah
International Director


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