2019 End of Year Report

Dearly Beloved. 
Compliment of the season.

We are extremely grateful to God for the care, provisions, protection, and progress we have enjoyed from Him this year. We are also grateful to you and your family for your partnership with us all through this year. As we cast our mind back to the journey thus far, we have so much to thank God for and so much to appreciate you for. This report may not be able to capture all the milestone this year but will at least give you a reason to rejoice that your selfless sacrifices and commitment to this ministry to see the light of the gospel penetrate into the dark places of the earth is not in vain

Hundreds of persons turned their lives to Christ across various mission fields in Nigeria and abroad.
One of the old women that
 embraced Christ
The amazing thing is that many of them came on their own to willingly surrender their lives to Christ. Some of them are from a very hardened Islamic background which we are doing so much to hide their identity for their safety. Some others have hinted us of their interest in surrendering their lives but expressed the fear of persecution from their relations. We have been praying about it.  Those responding to the gospel cut across all age groups - very old persons, kids, youth, etc. We are thankful to God.

The core purpose of our existence as missions’ outfit is discipleship and as such we have done all we could to provide basic care and teachings for our converts uncared for. We meet them in their various homes and at our mission houses where it is safer to teach them the basics of the Lord’s word. We go out with them and build a personal relationship with them. We planted churches where none existed so as to help them integrate into the local assembly level and teach them to take responsibility in their assemblies. At Kuble, they built a church for themselves, at Samunaka, they began building a church for themselves which we helped them to complete. At Oma, we have built a church for them to lintel level and we require N1.7million to roof it and complete the building. At Bankoula, Niger Republic, the Mission house had serious cracks which may eventually lead to its collapse. We were able repair and fortify the structure. At Tibiri, Niger Republic, we were also able to build a 3 bedroom flat, roofed it and fixed doors and windows. We still need some funds for plastering and flooring. At Ahole, Niger Republic, we were able to commence work on fixing toilet facilities in the 3 bedrooms flat mission house through N200,000 support from Gospel Bankers. We held series of discipleship camp meetings for them during which we taught them the word of God.

Missions Training
We made serious progress in our effort to train missionaries and retrain missionaries for frontier mission labor this year. For the first time that crises have discouraged many from coming to Jos for training, we had close to 30 prospective missionaries in the current session that enrolled for our training. Some of them have met the requirement for graduation and will be prayed for in March 2020. We are extremely grateful to God for blessing us with Gospel Bankers who sacrificially funded the training of two life ministries’ missionary trainees. The AFLEND provided grants for three candidates in November 2018 and another three candidates in November 2020. We are grateful to them also. We also have three individuals/families that funded the training of another set of seven students. We are extremely grateful to God for these great provisions without which the training would not have been possible. We still have ten more candidates that are praying and trusting God for funds for their mission training. Each candidate cost N130,000 (subsidized) for one-year training, some of the candidates that come with their children require more funds for feeding and sometimes medical care costs for the kids. Kindly join us in prayer along that direction.

Home of Grace (HOG)
Some of the Home of Grace (HOG) kids as at December 2019
One of our strongest discipleship platforms has remained the HOG. HOG primarily focuses on orphans and vulnerable kids but due to the dangerous nature of some of our mission fields, we began to accept missionary kids. The journey has been quite tough especially in dealing with those growing into the teen-age phase of their lives, nevertheless, God has been very gracious to us. We have seen God transform the lives of many. We are amazed with the growth, physically, mentally and spiritually. Two of our kids are graduating from the university this session. Three others were admitted into the University of Jos and another into Bauchi State University. Those in kindergarten graduated into primary, some from Primary into secondary school. The three that wrote Junior Secondary School (JSS) passed. Those that wrote School Certificate did very well and we are expecting admission for them.

God has been gracious in terms of provisions in terms of foodstuffs, school fees, and incidentals. For example, for most of them that are adopted, we already have their Christmas clothes already sewn. We still have 10 more kids that are yet to be adopted (our adoption system does not permit us to release the kids to individuals that adopt them). That is why these ones have not been adopted as most of the persons asking for adoption want the children to keep.

We also have many more kids wanting to come on board but we have been reluctant to accept them because of financial pressure. We have a missionary trainee’s daughter from Fulani background whose parent left her in the village to pursue their missionary training and will round up their studies this year to resume work with us. The relations want to forcefully marry out this underage girl. We are trusting the Lord for the fund so we can move her to Jos as soon as possible. She is brilliant and loves the Lord. She wants to progress with her studies. We also have two MBB girls whose lives are under threat. We have been contacted to bring them into the home but we are still trusting God for financial breakthrough.

Ministry to Refugees/IDPs and Widows
Some of the widows at Furaka blessed with a brand new
wrapper each in October 2019
Social concern was not part of our focus as a mission agency at the inception but over the years, it has been so difficult to turn blind eyes on some of the needs we encounter while carrying out our mission work. This year under review, we moved some of the orphans from the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp to give them proper care. We provided wrappers for 30 widows in Plateau State, 20 in Benue State, 3 in Bauchi State. We received containers of clothes from the USA and Ireland from our partnering churches and foundations which we distributed to our missionaries, vulnerable kids, widows and others. On several occasions, we bought foodstuffs in large quantities and take them to the refugee camps. Just last month, we contributed 2,000 blocks and 27 bags of cement to the Nandu people for the rebuilding of their house that were burnt down by Jihadists during which several persons were killed. 

We are grateful to Tabitha Arise Foundation for providing fund for the rebuilding projects and foodstuffs for the IDPs as well as fund for the upkeep of one of the orphans picked from the IDPs camp and clothes. We are also grateful to Soteria Church for the containers of clothes they send to us annually for our missionaries/their family, Orphans, vulnerable and widows and upkeep allowances being sent on a monthly basis for some of the kids and missionaries. We have in stock some wrappers for missionaries and widows from the Soteria Church Women groups in Maryland and foodstuff on the way which we would distribute before Christmas.

Missionary Welfare/Building Projects
We have enjoyed consistencies from our partners and friends who undertake to provide monthly support for our missionaries laboring in jungles. Some of these supports are based on trust and confidence they have for us because the feedback/report from missionaries has not been consistent due to the terrain/ communication challenges of their locations. Even when they send reports, because of the security implication and safety, we don’t make all reports available through the traditional media. We pray the Lord to bless all our partners and replenish your sources in Jesus' name.

We have engaged some of the new graduates of the School of Cross-Cultural Missions like Abel Onuh and Andrew Marafa and are in the process of engaging more. The implication is that we need more partners to adopt them for their upkeep and other basic needs. Needs like accommodation in countries like Burkina Faso is very expensive. The missionaries we are sending require travel documents/resident permits and other paper works and the cost of living generally is very high. The missionaries’ upkeep there will need to be doubled to meet up with the financial reality. Kindly let us know if there are ways you can be of help.

We are also planning a survey trip to Libya village that shares borders with the Niger Republic despite the inherent danger. It appears that most of the places we are working/ targeting are dangerous and it is more dangerous when the budgets are not well met. We covet your prayers and financial supports to realize this dream of breaking our current limit in the year 2020.

2020 Budget
Our year 2020 will be sent to you in a different email. Our audited account is up to date. Our annual return for 2018 has been filed and the 2019 annual return will be filed soon. Our audited financial report for 2019 will be ready between February and March 2020. 2018 audited report is available upon request.

Thank you for making out time to read this report. We are very grateful for your partnership, your love, your care, your calls, your emails, your time, your prayers, your finances and the several other ways you have joined us to advance God’s kingdom. We pray for you often and covet your prayers for all our partners. If you all progress, the ministry progresses. May 2020 be full of pleasant surprises for you. May your source never run dry. We appreciate you so much because you mean so much to us.

His bondservant,
Andrew Abah


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