November 2019 Missions' Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus' name and welcome to November 2019. We pray that God Almighty will cause you to increase in grace this month and bless you in all your endeavors in Jesus' name. As usual, we want to use this medium to thank you for your partnership and share with you the result of your prayers and financial support in the past two months as well as some current prayer needs.

30th Anniversary Celebration
We celebrated the ministry’s 30th anniversary at the headquarters in Jos on October 23-27, 2019,
Some missionaries at the 30th-anniversary celebration
during which over 200 of our missionaries, friends, and partners gathered to praise God for His faithfulness and grace over the years and pray and take instruction for the years ahead. We appreciate your prayer and financial support for the event. It was a huge success. All the participants have returned safely to their base.

Missions Training Update
The current students at the School of Cross-Cultural Missions have been sent out to various mission fields for their field exposures/trips. They will serve for two months before returning to the training base. While some of the students were going for their first field exposures, the others were going for the second/ final field exposures. Please, pray along with us that they would have a fruitful experience. Also, pray for divine protection as some of the mission fields where they are deployed are very volatile.

Home of Grace (HOG) Update
The kids at the Home of Grace (HOG) are doing well and growing in grace. John and Blessing are in the last lap of their Senior Secondary School education now. Elizabeth and Samuel have crossed over from Junior to Senior Secondary and are coping. We are excited at their walk with God as well as the physical maturity we are observing. We covet your prayers, especially for the teenagers, as they are increasingly confronted with peer pressures.

Mission Fields Update
The rain this year is exceptionally very heavy. The streams turned into rivers, and the terrains become
Discipleship among the Salkamawas
more challenging than ever. At Kadagi, we lost a convert she got drown in the river. Pray along with us that the Lord will comfort the family. Sister Murna, the wife of our Zull missionary, Pastor Joel Dukiya, was involved in a domestic accident which eventually led to her death.
Despite these setbacks, there were reports of several persons that surrendered their lives to Christ. In some of our Bauchi State Mission fields, some Muslims surrendered their lives to Christ. At Oma in Benue State, we have many others who surrendered their lives to Christ, and many others benefited from our medical missions led by Raissa Taddi. At the level of the foreign mission, we noted the level of hunger for God among the Muslim Background Believers (MBB) and took advantage of it to intensify discipleship work among the Nigerians. We also see God at work in the Benin Republic among the Dukawas, Kamberis, and Bokkos. Two couples were prayed for and have been set aside for the Burkina Faso work. While waiting for the current tension in the country to pipe down, one of the couples is set to go for a final survey.

Samunaka-Kamberi church roofing in progress
Building Project Updates
We have advanced in most of our ongoing mission field projects. The Kubule Church has been fully roofed courtesy the efforts of the indigenous believers. We are still battling to complete the roofing of -the Saminaka-Kamberi Church. At least N496 000.00 would be required to complete the roofing phase-24 more bundles of roofing sheets, transportation fare, and outstanding workmanship. Oma church building is at the window level. Kwanga building is at the foundation level. The Bankoula mission house has been fortified, but fencing the compound is very critical since most of the converts are secret disciples and need to be protected. Toilet accessories have been fixed at Ahole Mission house. Doors and windows have been fixed at the Tibiri Mission house. We covet your prayers for the fund for plastering and flooring of the mission house now.

Miracle Baby
Miracle baby
After over seven years of marriage and waiting on God for the fruit of the womb, God blessed our team leader, Aunty Bola, and her husband, Pastor Showemimo, with a bouncing baby boy. We are grateful to God for that miracle baby and pray that for all other missionaries and partners suffering from a delay in one area of the other, the Lord who intervened in their case would intervene in your affairs and give you testimonies.

Praise and prayer points
1.          Please, join us to thank the Lord for His miraculous provision since the year began.
2.          Pray for our missionaries for grace to live right, and remain faithful to their callings, despite the pressures they go through.
3.          Pray for divine protection for them, resources to take care of their children, especially those whose children are schooling outside the mission fields. Pray for comfort for all our missionaries that are bereaved
 4.         Pray for all our partners. Our progress is tied to their progress. Pray that the Lord would prosper all our partners and keep them in good health.
5.          Funding is very critical in missions. Pray along with us that God would provide enough funds for the upkeep of our missionaries and their family and all the project listed here and other needs like borehole at Oma, Benue State and Bum, Bauchi State

Again, thank you so much for your partnership. Your sacrificial support brought us to the height we have attained. May the Lord lift you higher and higher in Jesus' name. May He rebuke all the devourers hovering round you, may He grant you the desires of your heart, may He bless you beyond your imagination.



Unknown said...

I'm delighted with the great achievement so far and I that the good Lord who has started this good work will not stop it half way. This is a big task but the Lord will bless and see you and the team through. I am really impressed for what you people are doing, I say more grace to your elbows.

Unknown said...

Congratulations daddy, more grace and unction....God will bless this great kingdom labour and provide immensely for this work.

- Daniel Igboke (CREN)