September 2019 Missions Update

Recent visit to Gobirawa field in Niger
Calvary greetings in Jesus name. We trust that this edition of the Missions Update will find you growing in grace. God has been very gracious to us in many ways. Firstly, we are grateful to God for divine protection across our dangerous mission fields, as well as journey mercies we enjoyed as we traveled across places that were battered by bandits like Sokoto, Zamfara, and part of Kaduna State. Crawling through some of these valleys of death day and night unhurt cannot be taken for granted. Thank you for your prayers and for making ministry to the unreached people possible for us through your financial support. May God bless you richly in Jesus name.

We will like to share an update on our 30th anniversary and report of the great things that God is doing in some of our mission fields as well as prayer points. Some of the report cannot be published here because of the security implication.

30th Anniversary Celebration
On October 23-27, 2019, we will be formally appreciating God for His faithfulness in the past thirty years as a ministry. Current/former staff, friends of the ministry, partners, School of Cultural Missions’ alumni and all stakeholders in this commission are invited to converge at the GFIM headquarters in Jos on October 23-27, 2019 during which we will spend quality time to praise God, to pray and to discuss our plans for the way forward. We will be delighted if you can squeeze out time to be with us for the occasion.

Meanwhile, as part of the anniversary celebration, we are trusting God for the sum of N17 million for the following projects:
v  The place of worship for the newly pioneered missionary effort at Oma field costing N2.8million.
v  A mission house to accommodate the pioneer missionaries estimated at N3.1million
v  Residential building at Lamingo for the Home of Grace (HOG) to accommodate more orphans and vulnerable kids estimated at N4. 3 million as well as a multipurpose auditorium estimated at N4.8million.
v  The poverty-alleviating scheme estimated at N2million

Salkamawa and Gobirawa Field 
The rate of conversion among the Salkamawas to Christ is mind-blowing. Most of the converts are
Some of the Salkamawa believers
older men. Their children are not responding well, but the older adults are making a deliberate effort to expose their grandchildren to the Lord by taking them along to discipleship classes. Their wives too were not responding well but recent talk with them beginning to yield a positive result. Missionaries Issa and Rahila Maliki combine their work in Gobirawa with that of Salkam, making it difficult to give them the full attention they desire. 
They covet prayers for God to send a missionary couple that will be fully resident among them to take the work to the next level, especially now that the people are expressing deep hunger for God. Rahila Maliki reported that her sewing work has much helped in bringing the women both at Gobirawa and Salkam close to her and by implication to the gospel. Pray that God will add to her two additional sewing machines and fund to improve on her petty trading.

Bankoulawas Field
Harouna & Amina Tienogo, Bankoula missionaries
Harouna and Amina Tienego are making progress with their work among the Bankoulawa people. The converts are largely secret disciples as they do not want to be identified because of persecution while few others like Musa who is evident travel out to Niamey and sometimes to Sokoto for work to be able to sustain his family. The mission house where they reside had significant cracks that could lead to eventual collapse. The window and doors made with zinc were tattered. During the period under review, God provided resources for a new door, windows, and renovation of their building aimed at fortifying it. We are incredibly grateful to the partner that donated to execute this renovation and pray the Lord will bless her and her family richly in return. The fence project is still outstanding because it will enhance the ongoing secret discipleship, but the cost is staggering. We require divine intervention to get the needed fund for the fence and gate.

Oma Field 
At the local front, we have seen God do so much that brought joy to our hearts. At Oma, the two-
Two month old Oma church
month-old church has grown to 39 as at the last count. The discipleship effort is carried out almost day and night through teachings, film show, and house to house visitation. We had two weeks of free medical service, which attracted people from far and near.

Abel Onuh and Andrew Marafa are currently leading the work as resident missionaries. The converts testified of the significant change God has brought into their lives through the missionaries. They covet our prayers. The elders have the promise to offer land for the church building. Pray for resources to begin work. 

Bolu, Bum and Kamberi 
After much stagnation, God stepped into the work at Bolu. From 19 coverts, God increases the numbers of believers to 42. Our missionary on the ground, Ali Yohanna adopted adult literacy strategy in reaching the people, which proved to be very useful. Five students of the School of Cross-Cultural Missions who had their practical exposure on the field were also very impactful. Pray for the converts that the Lord will strengthen them and course them to abide.

At Bum, the Lord added to us more souls. One of them, a 25 years young man according to the missionary on the ground there, Ladi Ekpa is from the religion of “our other cousins.” The rain is massive, and small streams are flooded up. Navigating some of the villages like Kadagi is currently impossible, especially that the missionary cannot swim, neither are there boat.

Work on the Kamberi central church building has resumed. The beam work is almost completed. We are trusting God for the fund for the roofing. We already have 12 bundles of roofing sheet earlier donate by a ministry in Ghana but will need 30 more bundles costing N432500. Cost of workmanship, woods, nails and ridges have not been confirmed but estimated at over N500,000.

Home of Grace (HOG) & Refugees / Diaspora Ministry
HOG kids have continued to make progress in every aspect of their lives. One of them, Sarah Ali,
The HOG kids rewarded with a holiday at Abuja
completed her Secondary School education. Three of them, Faith Yohanna, Elizabeth Daji, and Samuel Moses completed their Junior Secondary School. Yakubu came first in his class and passed the common entrance examination, Rosaline came second, and Naomi came third. 

They were all rewarded with a trip to Abuja where they visited Shoprite and wonderland. All the other kids performed well and were promoted to the next class. School fees of most of them have been paid, and textbooks of those adopted have been bought. They are already preparing for the next level. Pray for resources to complete the payment of fees and procurement of their books.

We continue to pray for the displaced persons at the various IDPs camp and hope that they will return to their different home soon. Sadly their situation is getting complicated by the day. According to a newspaper source, the jihadists that occupy their homes are already renaming their villages. Some of the IDPs got some farmland from their host, a few others join the miners at the mining sites to see what they can do for a living, but the majority of them are still helpless. A Tabitha Arise member offered land that they could reside and farm in Ogun State, but they are not comfortable with relocating to a very distant place that they are not familiar with.

We have two Boko Haram victims currently seeking to join the Home of Grace (HOG), but we cannot accept them now because of financial pressure. We also cannot entirely turn them down, so we asked them to continue to pray that God provides. As soon as we get those that will adopt them for funding, we will send for them to come in.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through the update. Thank you for your selfless commitment to the ministry. Kindly remember to pray on the points raised. Pray for divine protection. Pray for good health for all our missionaries and partners. Pray for fresh grace to cope with the work. Pray for the converts to abide and that Christ is formed in them. Pray for adequate funding. God bless you, richly.


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