August 2018 Missions Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. We are earnestly sorry for the long silence from our end. The past few months were turbulent, so we concentrated more on seeking the face of God. God has always contended for us, and we have consistently enjoyed victory in all our battles. His grace has continued to grow stronger and stronger despite all odds. We want to share some of the testimonies so you can join us to thank the Lord. We also hope some of the reports will inspire you to pray for us the more.

Gadgets, Bibles, Motorbikes,  Miracles, and Souls
God added to our evangelistic and teaching tools and brand-new motorbikes worth several million of
Missionary Iliya Luka  and his wife
Naira.  They include a complete set of speakers with inbuilt amplifier, speaker, projectors, etc. We had series of crusades with them and God added to His kingdom over 100 souls. We have many more crusades lined up but trusting God for a strong vehicle that is rugged enough for rural areas.  Also, we got a donation of over 100 bibles.  Some were studying bibles which we distributed to our leaders that participated in an intensive course on how to follow upconvert. We also distributed some of the Bibles to our converts.

Some of our missionaries and other missionaries in our network working in very remote places benefitted from the brand-new motorcycles God blessed us with. Luka Iliya and his wife work in a very dangerous field in Benin Republic not accessible to any primary health center. Now he can take converts and other villagers out in time of emergencies. They lost their son to snake bite last year apparently because they arrived hospital late. Moses Adebisi work at Yelwa village in Bauchi State surrounded by many villages. He got one of the new motorbikes. It is hoped that he will be able to cover more ground with the help of the motorbike.

Beside converts from our outdoor crusades, more and more persons are responding to the gospel from our various mission fields. In Kamberi fields, some Muslims surrendered their lives to Christ and are committed to ongoing discipleship. We also have more Muslim converts from some of our fields that are being secretly discipled because of the sensitive nature of their environment. For some other fields like Ahole, Niger Republic, we concentrated on getting the mission house completed. The doors coming from outside and windows were fixed. It was roofed, and the living room and two bedrooms were plastered. We are trusting God for resources to complete the flooring and plaster the outside.
Miracles have continued to attest to the work in every front. Our missionary, Steve Obaje testify of a family that kept hearing the cry of an invisible baby in their neigborhood. The family was constantly under affliction. During one of his visit, they shared their plight. He prayed for them. The baby's cry ceased and the afflictions came to an end.
Also, from Kamberi field is a report that a case of madness defying psychiatric hospital and juju priest intervention was getting out of hand at about 3am one night and was brought to our field leader, Sunday Musa. He and his team prayed and God healed her perfectly. 

Worship Centres Collapsed but Converts are Safe
Four of our Worship Centres in three mission fields collapsed in an interval of one month but we thank God that none of our converts was injured. The Worship Centres at Lambu was wrecked down by a windstorm. Two of our Worship Centres in Samunaka among the Kamberis were destroyed beyond recognition. The church in Dir, the only church among the entire people group collapsed completely. Sadly, no fewer than 10 persons died as a result of the same storm in our neighborhood. In all these field there was no church before we went in and there is still no place for the indigenous people to worship before we built Worship Centres for them. Following responses from two of our friends, we resumed work on rebuilding the Worship Centre at Dir. Thus far, we bought blocks and have built up the church to the roofing level. We are now trusting God for resources to roof the Worship Centre. We are also working at Samunaka. We sent N150, 000.00 for molding of blocks. It could only yield 850 pieces of 9 inches blocks. We have sent additional N150, 000.00 to buy cement and sands and build up the already molded blocks as we continue to trust God for more funds.

Security Situation and Deliverance from Fulani Militia
SundayMusa and some of his kids
The security situation has remained challenging. The Fulani Jihadist has extended their operations to some of our mission fields. The director narrowly escaped death when he drove into them between Kaduna to Jos. God saved him and his team as they change route based on information reaching them from the military and spouse of one of the team members. Also, our field leader for Benin Republic/Kamberi/Dukawa/Bokko constituency, Sunday Musa came under one of such severe attack. The Fulani spread their car with gunshots between New Bussa and the mission field. How God rescued them from the gun shorts is simply miracles that is beyond words. We continue to covet your prayers for all our missionaries on the field.

Home of Grace
Aunty Bola and Yakubu who came first and  Naomi, 3rd.
The Home of Grace (HOG) here has been a source of joy and inspiration. Three of the kids completed their secondary school education. Two of them, Michael, Daniel came out with eight credits and Ishaya with five credits. The younger ones are doing well too. Yakubu came First, Sarah came second, and Naomi came third. God has kept all of them safe and secured. God has continued to meet their material, financial and spiritual needs. We are grateful to God for all our partners and friends that made this possible. The kids are on holiday now. School resumes in September and as usual, a lot of money will be needed for them to return to school.

Student/ Youth Mission Summit and Advanced Mission Leadership Institute (AMLI)
On October 5-7, 2018 we are hosting our 3rd National Student/ Youth Mission Summit. It is a deliberate effort at integrating these age bracket into mission work. Please, pray for open heaven and financial provisions to cater for not fewer than 300 students/youths for the 3 days camp meeting.
On October 1-7, 2018 we will run the 3rd Bi-annual Advanced Mission Leadership Institute (AMLI) course. 10 of our mission leaders will be joining other leaders from other agencies for the course. The tuition for the 10 of the staff will cost N360,000 and their transport fare will gulp another N120,000. The total is N480,000. If we must make progress with the field work, we must help retrain these leaders by sponsoring them to attend this training programme. Please pray for divine provisions.

Sourcing for Labourers
God opened several doors across the nations to take the cry for more laborers to the church with anticipation for men and women to join the workforce. One of those doors was the Kaduna mission summit hosted by Methodist Church. Next was the Asaba mission summit hosted by Heritage Assembly and Dayspring Ministry. The third was the Oro Mission summit hosted by Living World Outreach (LIWOT) and Abuja Calebite Conference hosted by God’s care Missions. We covet your prayers that the fruit of these meeting will abide in Jesus name. We still have many more meetings lined up like the Ugep Mission conference, the UEC National Youth Conference, Abakaliki Hope Convention, Ibadan World Mission Conference and many others. We covet your prayers for open heaven and that God will raise men unto Himself.

Urgent Prayer Needs
Thank you for standing with us over the years. Your prayers and support have meant so much to us. We always pray for God’s blessing over you and your family. Below are some of our urgent prayer points.
  1. Divine protection for all our missionaries, their families and their converts from Boko Haram, Fulani Militia, and other contending powers.
  2. Thank God for Gospel Bankers who responded to our cry for rebuilding a collapsed mission house and an ongoing project in Ahole, Niger Republic and a sister in USA who contributed to the Dir worship center project.  Pray that God bless them and that God should touch more hearts to contribute funds to complete the rebuilding of all our churches and mission houses that collapsed.
  3. We are surrounded by over 50,000 displaced persons in Benue and Plateau State in a critical state. Recently, we gave out some funds and clothing to some of them. It is like a drop of water in the ocean. We are currently working in partnership with Tabitha Arise and Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association(NEMA) to put smiles on more faces. seven persons have donated into the IDP fund amounting to over N100,000. Our target is N500,000. Pray along with us that God should bless the donors and that God should touch more heart so we can do more.
  4. Pray for the new converts especially the Muslim Background Believers(MBB). Some of them are being hunted by their relations and the persecution is severe. Others have not disclosed their new faith because of what may happen next.
  5. On October 5-7, 2018 we are hosting our 3rd National Student/ Youth Mission Summit. Please, pray for open heaven and financial provisions to cater for no fewer than 300 students/youths for 3 days camp meeting.
  6. On October 1-7, 2018 we will run the 3rd Bi-annual Advanced Mission Leadership Institute (AMLI) course. 10 of our mission leaders will be joining other leaders from other agencies for the course. The tuition for 10 staff will gulp N360,000 and their transport fare will gulp another N120,000 totaling N480,000. If we must make progress, we must help them to attend this training programme. Please pray for divine provisions.
  7. Pray for the healing of all our missionaries, especially Ladi Ekpa who has severe pain on the leg and comfort for bereaved missionaries and partners. Stephen Obaje's father transited to glory and Aunty Bisi Fanimo 's mother passed on to glory. Pray for members of the family.
  8. Another season of snake is here. The missionaries in Dukawa and Kamberi fields are literally being kept by the grace of God. They find snake in the kitchen, at the back of the house, in the bedroom and all around. Musa Sayeri literally used his hands to pack a snake unknowingly. Last year, we contemplated fumigating the mission house but for fear of all their livestock dying, we canceled the plan. Please, pray along with us.

Thank you for praying and may God of heaven and earth bless you richly.

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