January 2018 Missions Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. Thank you for your prayers, and numerous sacrifices and partnership to keep the gospel going in the dark places of the earth. We can truly say God has been so gracious to us that the past one month can best be described as a season of harvest of answered prayers. We are delighted to share some of the testimonies and prayer points as we continue on the journey to enthrone the Lordship of Jesus.

New Year Gift
At Bolu, God gave us a New Year gift that will continue to remain indelible. Just after the prayer into
Snake on the bed with the missionaries and their kids - Killed!
the New Year, the missionary couple went to bed to have some rest before dawn. Less than one hour on the bed, Sabatu felt a movement on her leg. She alerted her husband and on flashing their light, they discovered a snake on the bed moving on her leg. Thank God they were able to kill the snake without hurt. Please join us to thank God for divine protection and kindly continue to pray for us in that direction.

Harvest of Souls at IBC, Bum.
Bauchi State Indigenous Believers Campmeeting participants
We held our first Indigenous Believers Camp meeting (IBC 2018) for indigenous believers in Bauchi State for the year at Bum on January 5-7, 2018. It was a huge success. Besides achieving the goal of joining the missionaries on the field to disciple the believers through teachings and deliberate interactions, we had many persons surrender their lives to Christ for the first time, and many others were restored. Kindly thank the Lord with us for those harvests and pray that God will cause Christ to be fully formed in them. The missionaries have the responsibility to continue to work on them. Pray for fresh unction and grace over their lives.

Funding Promised for a New Church Building in a Muslim Nation
In one of the Muslim nations where our missionaries have been laboring, we have struggled over the years to even complete the Mission House building project we started long ago because of lack of fund. Just some days ago, an organization that has been following our work closely promised to provide funds to build a church from beginning to the end. The condition is that we should procure a land which costs only N100,000.00. Please join us in prayer for the fund so we can pay for the land as soon as possible as we don’t want to miss that opportunity. The group had earlier blessed us with a tricycle in 2017.

23rd African Missions Summit (AMS 2018)
Preparations for the 23rd African Missions Summit (AMS 2018) is in top gear. The venue is the
GFIM headquarters and the date is March 21-25, 2018. Our main speakers this year are the President of Soteria Ministries, Maryland, USA, Dr. Chuka Anude and the NEMA Executive Secretary, Bro Mike Adegbile. Kindly join us in praying for quality delegation, journey mercies, and open heaven. Also, do pray for the funding. As usual, we are committed to providing free feeding and accommodation and possibly provide transport for some of our grass root missionaries that cannot afford it. Do kindly help us publicize it in your constituency. The theme is the Great Commission and the Church’s Global Agenda.

Home of Grace (HOG) Update
We are extremely grateful to God for keeping all the kids at the HOG. They have all resumed for the 2nd term and the school fees for the term for some of the
Papa Show and some of the kids
kids are still outstanding. We are grateful to our partners for the funds provided for their Christmas clothes. They all had excellent Christmas celebration. The young adults are coming up. Salisu Chiroma is almost done with his NCE programme. Jonathan Umoru is still waiting for his admission. Please pray that God will make it possible as competition at the university is on the high side now. Blessing, studying French at the University of Jos will have to go to France or Cameroon for a one-year compulsory Language Immersion.We opted for Cameroon as that is cheaper. We are trusted God for over N600,000.00 for the fees and He has provided. We only need additional N100,000 to cover her International passport, travels and pocket money for the period. Ishaya, Daniel, and Michael are in their final year and have applied for university admission. Please pray that they will come out in flying colors in their NECO, WAEC and JAMB examinations.

Missionaries Welfare
God blessed Ayuba &Mary Ajikovi with a baby girl. Liman Danwaya had to return to the hospital  
MKs (twins) on the bed where the snake was killed.
the third time to correct the surgery on his hand. He has improved tremendously now. Stephen Paul was moved from Niger Republic to Zull mission field while Moses Adebisi moved from Zull to Yelwa field and Simon Peter from Yelwa to Kamberi. Pray for them as they all settle in their new mission fields. Stephen reported that he was warmly received and started with the converts with a Christmas festival which was well attended.

We remain extremely grateful for your consistent partnership. We received clothes from Soteria Ministry and Upper Room Baptist Church in large quantity. They were very helpful, especially at the IBC. The HOG, widows in Furaka and our missionaries benefitted immensely from the gifts, and they are extremely grateful. The Makurdi Chapter of Missions Supporters League(MSL) contributed towards the rebuilding of the Dukawa mission house, and we are grateful.  Once again, thank you for partnering with us. May the Lord bless you all richly. 


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