November 2017 Missions' Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. Thank you for your partnership with us these past months. Your input in the work has made a profound impact and we will like to share some of the updates with you as usual.

Mad Man Delivered In Kamberi Field
Sunday Musa,
Kamberi/Benin Rep. Regional Coordinator
A young man afflicted with madness was brought to the Kamberi mission house after the family had tried other means including Juju priest. Our missionaries prayed for him and he was fully delivered. Seeing God’s mighty works, several persons including a prostitute surrendered their lives to Christ.

The Regional Coordinator, Sunday Musa reported that snakes are common on the field now especially in the mission house and the school premises. Several persons narrowly escaped being bitten recently including the daughter of the field leader and children at Home of Grace (HOG) at Borgu-Samunaka. We are trusting God for the fund to fumigate the place as soon as possible. We covet your prayers for divine protection especially this hot season that the snakes look for cool places to hide. You will recall that we lost a missionary’s son to snakebite early this year. Affliction must not arise the second time.

Two teachers were hired by the Field Leader to complement the missionaries in teaching the children in the school on the mission field. One of them is a graduate of College of Education with an NCE. We are trusting God for more laborers especially volunteers that will help in the school even if it is on a short-term basis as well as resources to take care of those hired to work. The school is virtually free of charge so it cannot sustain itself like other city schools. We, therefore, trust God for all the funding to run it.

Miracles Attract Dukawas to Christ
The healing power of God has continued to attract many to the gospel. Recently, the
Sayeri, Dukawa Field Leader
traditional ruler expressed his interest to accept Jesus into his life but feared that it may be difficult for him to stop taking alcohol and stop smoking. We covet your prayers for him to truly surrender his life to Christ as promised. At least, over 40 women have yielded their lives to the Lord but the men are still very resistant to the gospel.

There are strange occurrences at the Dukawa village where our missionary couple, Sayeri and Saadat reside.  We need divine intervention to address them. Sometimes, one hears very loud laughter while the person laughing is not seen. Other times very strong demonic whirlwind comes around as if sent to uproot the mission house. Some of these experiences are naturally scary especially when they occur at midnight but we covet your prayers for the power of God to subdue them.

Migrants Mount Pressure on Dir Converts
Yohanna & Rahila Musa, Dir Field Leader
The Muslim migrants from Plateau state now settle around Dir village. Their arrival has complicated our missionary endeavors among the people. They target our converts with aggressive efforts at enticing the young girls. The missionaries continue to pray for them and solicit our prayer for them and are working on 35 kids now helping them to know how to read and write. Sick persons are often prayed for and their healing continues to strengthen their faith in Christ.

Some of the converts from the field were under attack. They kept finding it difficult to succeed in their endeavors including their academics.  These diabolic challenges are now broken. Two of the Dirawas in Jos passed their School certificate examination with adequate credit to secure admission to the university in the last examination.

Joy in Zull Village
The house of one of the converts in Zull field caught fire and got burnt. Touched by the plight of the woman, the missionary there, Moses Adebisi mobilized the church to build her another house. They built a two-room apartment for her in place of the burnt house. The woman was very happy. Also, many others in the village were filled with joy. Hopefully, that good deed will serve as a seed to attract people to the gospel not long from now. Meanwhile, the Mission House project in Zull needs some more fund to fix doors and windows.

Fasting and Prayer for Bolu People
Nuhu and Sabatu  Karanbara, Bolu Field Leaders
A student on a field trip to Bolu field, Philemon Saba felt that the work on Bolu field requires intensive fasting and prayer if there must be a positive result. He then began a month-long fasting and prayer. The missionary couple who were newly posted to the field, Nuhu and Sabatu  Karanbara felt the need to join him.

God then began to work on the people. One of the believers who was enticed with a bag of corn to become Muslim came back to his senses and express the desire to return to his faith. The Bolu elders also began to open up on why they don’t want to accept Christ. They explained that the early missionaries that worked in the field sent their children to the cities and the children no longer want to return. They are therefore afraid that if they or their children accept Christ, they are likely to move to the city and will not return again. Now that we know why they don’t want to accept Christ, we know better how to pray and engage them. Pray along with us that as we engage them, the Spirit of God will convict them.

Water Baptism in Niger Republic
Recent water baptism
A common challenge in most of our fields in Niger republic is fear. The missionaries covet your prayer for this spirit to be subdued. At Tibiri and Bankoula, many young people expressed their love for Christ and willingness to surrender their lives to Him if they can conquer fear. The Bankoula and Gobirawa missionaries (name withheld) specifically ask for prayer for the fund to fence their compound because the youths prefer to sneak in to discuss the gospel and sneak out as they don’t want the villagers to see them as they would easily suspect that they want to become Christian.  At Ahole, 12 of the youths who were bold enough to respond to the gospel have been baptized. The missionary couple stressed the need to pray for a fund for the completion of the mission house project which is at lintel level now. The National Director was involved in an automobile accident and had a fracture on his right hand. Pray along with us for speedy healing.

God is at Work in Benin Republic
God is at work among the Bokko people. Some of them who initially resisted the gospel when our missionaries first started work are now embracing the gospel. Power encounter is, however, more real there than any other country we are working. The spiritual forces react very fiercely and attack just anybody that surrenders his or her life to Christ. We covet prayers for all the converts especially, a young boy, Samuel whom the extended family threatens to deal with him and his parents because of their faith in Christ.

Prayer Need for our Co-labourers in South America
Denis Tavares, Peru
For many years now God has helped us to make a valuable input in the evangelization of South America. These were made possible through our networking with a frontline evangelist, Douglas. We covet your prayer for him and his family because they are going through difficult challenges. The wife had a stroke and the daughter psychiatric challenge. Also, another co-laborer who labored with me during our ministry at Acre, Denis Tavares now working in Peru has heart enlargement. Please, join us to pray for God’s healing power to come on him. He was recently moved from Peru to his family home in Brazil.


Thank you for your prayers and financial sacrifices that have brought us to this point. May God reward you richly. We are extremely grateful.

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