October 2017 Missions Update

Greetings in Jesus name.  We trust that this update will meet you growing in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. On behalf of the leadership team and the missionaries in the Grace Foundation team, I want to register our profound appreciation for your selfless, sacrificial partnership over the past months. The challenges confronting our work are becoming fiercer by the day, but God has remained gracious. It is difficult to put some of our reports in print but be assured that your prayers and financial support have meant so much to us.  We will continue to desire your prayers. Below are some of the testimonies of what God is doing and some of the challenges that require more of your prayers:

Boy with Epilepsy Healed in Kamberi Field as 12 Converts Were Baptized at Bum

Water Baptism at Furaka 
Signs and wonders have continued to back up our work on the Kamberi work making it easier to get people to surrender their lives to Christ. According to the Field leader, Sunday Musa, God miraculously healed a boy who was epileptic. The attendance of our discipleship class has improved significantly.  The building project at Samunaka is ongoing, but there is a challenge of getting pickup van to pack sand and stones. Sixteen additional beams have been installed, and 400 blocks are still needed to complete the block work.

At Bum, 12 converts were baptized after series of discipleship class.  Another set of 16 is also undergoing baptismal class. The Field leader, Ladi Ekpa reported that God has been touching lives as some of the villagers come on their own to enquire more about the gospel. One of them, Esther Yohanna recently surrendered her life to Christ. She covets your prayers against the death of women during childbirth which has happened to two women in the church. Also, she is trusting God for financial help to meet the need of her children’s school fees.                                                                                                                   

At Zull, the converts took up the challenge of building a house for their missionary. The building has been roofed and they now trusting God for funds to fix doors, windows, and finishing so that the missionary can move in. According to the missionary on the field, Moses Adebisi, the converts gave themselves to fasting and prayer for a greater harvest of souls.

Yohanna and Rahila Musa reported from Dir field that the people are responding well to the gospel compared to the past now.  They, however, appealed for fervent prayer support for financial provision for the converts and grace for the youths to stand strong in the face of challenges.

A Car for Ahole Mission Team in the Niger Republic

At Ahole, God blessed the missionary couple with a car in answer to our prayers. We are
Emmanuel Boubacar and the new car
Grateful to all our partners in Niger republic that made the dream a reality. They can now drive from Ahole to Tibiri to drop the Home of Grace (HOG) kids to school and to bring them back.  The Mission House project is currently on hold for lack of finances. Please, join us to    pray that God should provide the fund to enable us to complete the project as soon as possible. The building is at roofing stage.

The work is gradually picking up at Kwala-Gobirawa despite increasing challenges. Islam is fighting back, and as a result, some of the converts returned to Islam.  We have not given up. Join us to pray that the Lord will still touch the backslidden ones and strengthen the remaining converts.

At Salkam village, the report is different. The lives of the converts are quite encouraging and more and more persons are responding to the gospel. At least 10 of the converts congregate for discipleship and worship. Again, we covet prayers for them to continue to stand firm in Christ. They desire a missionary that will be stationed in the village as the Malikis currently cover several villages which does not allow for concentration and effectiveness.

Update on our Youtube Channel

We recently uploaded our channel on YouTube with videos that can be accessed and used for

Missions’ mobilization. These are messages preached at our weekly NTA broadcast. We enjoin you to check www.youtube.com/andrewabah to access them. Their titles include The Agony of Unreached People, Grace for Challenging Seasons, Genuine Christianity, Power Encounter in Missions, Missions: A Debt that Must be Paid and The Unfinished Task.
Others are Your Part in World Missions: Three Things You Can Do, Missions: The God of Quota System, Global Missionary Opportunities, The Night Cometh, Reaching the Dark Places of the Earth and The State of the Harvest.

Home of Grace (HOG)’s Kids Continue to Excel as More Needs Stare at Us
Daniel & Jonathan   
Our joy knew no bounds when the Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) results of Salisu Chiroma and Jonathan Umaru were released. They both came out with flying colors, having made all their papers. We are wholeheartedly grateful to God for His faithfulness and love towards the HOG kids. 

The kids have been a tangible proof of His work with us and amongst us.
Most of them resumed for the new session on September 11, 2017, equipped with necessary academic materials. For this, we say thank you for allowing God to use you as a source of blessing. We are praying that your cruise of oil will never run dry.

We have been able to pay the school fees of eight of them and are still trusting God for the others.  The missionary kids at home, in particular, need some help.   Also, one of our missionary’s daughter has to pay Eighty thousand naira (N80,000) for the three terms at once because she is in her final session. That is the rule in her school. Some of them still lack some of the textbooks they need. Please, pray for us that Jehovah-Jireh will provide so that all these needs will be met.

Again, thank you so much for your partnership. Please, pray for us than ever. We need God now than ever. Pray for fresh inner strength to courageously continue with the work. Pray for good health and wisdom. Pray for God to persuade people to provide the much-needed funds to pay the outstanding stipends of our missionaries, our unsettled bills and complete some of our outstanding projects. God bless you richly.


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