August 2017 Missions' Update

Calvary love and greetings in Jesus name. Thank you so much for remaining part of this work and for the active role you have played in helping us to take the gospel to the least reached tribes in Nigeria and abroad despite the increased challenges, stress, and treats. We are indeed advancing against all the odds, and we remain committed to providing you update with what God has used your partnership to accomplish as well as highlight our needs and prayer points.

Conversion and Discipleship across the Fields
We here continue to enjoy God’s presence in our efforts to present Christ. Our missionaries across many of the fields reported several cases of persons who surrendered their lives to Christ. Efforts are on to help them become like Christ. Persecution has remained a norm, and we solicit your prayer that God will sustain all our converts. In addition to occasional physical assaults and deprivation, there have been several spiritual attacks targeted at them. Our consistent prayer request is that no weapon fashioned against them should prosper.

Major Progress at Home of Grace (HOG)
Some of the HOG kids
The HOG has remained a powerful tool that God is using to put eternal smiles on the faces of vulnerable and orphan kids. Three of the children, Dauda, Blessing, and Jacinta just completed their Junior Secondary School (JSS). Jonathan also completed both his WAEC and NECO examination. His WAEC result is out, and he had six credits. One of his subjects is still outstanding. Comfort passed her common entrance and will resume in a secondary school in September 2017. All the kids were promoted to their next class.  They are currently going through holiday school that is being handled by four corps members. By next month, the school will resume, and we will be faced with the challenges of new school uniforms, textbooks, school fees, etc. with foodstuff and other incidentals, we will require a hefty sum of about N550, 000:00 to conveniently cope. Would you kindly pray along with us for financial supply?

Beyond Praying for Labourers
The greatest need in our mission agencies, as well as many others that I know, is that of a credible workforce. More nations are opening up for the gospel, but the shortage of laborers is such that even the few missionaries available are gradually going into extinction.  To the glory of God, at some of the conferences I was privileged to speak last month, no fewer than 70 persons responded to missionary call. At the Igala Missions Summit where we presented the latest research work containing the list and locations of 217 villages without any known church, we had scores of persons who expressed their willingness to take the gospel to these villages.  At the Interdenominational missions summit that concluded at Oro, Kwara State, Nigeria many others responded. We encourage them to report for our one-year cross-cultural mission training, but the complaint has remained lack of fund. Please, pray for God’s intervention in this area as we desperately need more workers if we must cover more ground.

Current state of Ahole Mission house, Niger Republic
Progress in field project
The outer wall of the mission house project in the Niger Republic has moved on to lintel level, and our funds are completely exhausted. We need N200,000.00 to tidy up the inner wall that has not gotten to the lintel level as well as tidy up the entire post lintel work. We also need N480, 000.00 for the roofing and finishing accessories like doors and windows. The tricycle donated by Samaritan purse was very useful for the project. The Home of Grace kids also helped to cut down cost as they assisted in packing the gravels used for the pillars. Our desire is to get this project completed in the next two months.

A New Grinding Machine for Kwalan-Gobirawa
New grinding machine for Gobirawa field
God blessed our missionary couple at Kwalan-Gobirawa, Rahila and Isa Maliki with a new grinding machine. Please join us to pray for DaySpring Ministry for being used by God to provide that powerful tool. In addition to generating additional income for the missionaries, it will also bridge the gap between the missionaries and the Gobirawas.


Thank you for taking the time to read this update. As usual, there are many more reports we cannot share through this medium because of the security risk involved. We covet your prayers for more of his grace. We are going through severe financial pressure and want to appeal to you to kindly pray along with us for a miracle. May God bless you for all your sacrifices.

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