Thank you so much for partnering with us into the month of July 2017. God has remained consistently faithful, and His work in our care is prospering. As usual, we are delighted to use this medium to report some of these testimonies as well as share our prayer needs.

Bum Worship Centre Re-roofed
Newly re-roofed Bum worship center
You will recall the challenge we went through when a demonic windstorm destroyed the roof of the only worship centre in Bum and the house of two of our missionaries. We thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. To the glory of God, the re-roofing project has been completed to the shame of the devil and our converts once again have a place to worship. Join us to thank God for this divine intervention and thank you so much for the role you played.

Narrow Escape for our Kuble Missionary Couple
Collapsed mission house at Kuble

The devil again struck at one of our mission fields. A terrible flood took over Kuble village and the house of one of our missionary couples, Ibrahim and Maryam collapsed on them. 

Looking at the building, you will know that it was a miracle that the couple and their children survived. Only the children had cuts, but they are recovering gradually. Please join us in thanking God for that victory. We are trusting God to rebuild the mission house with cement block and stone foundation as there is no building to rent in the village. Meanwhile, a number of mission houses have been completed in other Kamberi villages awaiting roofing. Responses to the gospel in this area have been very positive and the least we can do to encourage them is to pray for them and help them in completing their mission houses.

Mid-Year Conference
Medical check-up for missionaries at NEMA Conference
Our annual mid-year conference was enlarged this year. Using my leadership position as NC Chairman for the Nigeria Evangelical Mission Association (NEMA), it turned out to be a conference for over 100 mission leaders from across the Middle-belt region under the platform of NEMA. It was a great time for bonding, fellowship, and prayers for missionaries within the region. Thank God for the miracle of divine provision as well as His presence at the conference. We are grateful to Pastor Pam Dagwon and his team who laboured at the committee level to make the programme a huge success. A special feature at the conference was a thorough medical check-up conducted for missionaries that attended. It cut across hepatitis, blood pressure, genotype, etc.

Another Step Forward for Home of Grace (HOG)
Join us in thanking God for the successful graduation of Blessing Garba, Dauda Maisamari, and Jacinta Yakubu from Junior Secondary School. Also, Jonathan Umoru has completed his Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination and passed the cut-off point for admission. Please, pray that God will grant him favour when the admission process begins. We had severe challenges paying the fees of some of them, but God intervened.

Work Resumed on Niger Republic Mission House
Mission House Project at Ahole, Niger Republic 
After a long wait, God provided resources for us to commence work again on the Ahole Mission House building at the Niger Republic. The wall has gotten to window level and in a short while will get to lintel level. Thank God for the provision and kindly pray for resources to enable us to continue and finish the project. The project will require another 480,000 to become habitable.

Igala Nation Mission Research Project Ready for Dedication
For 14 years, we have joined hands with some mission leaders in Igala land to research into the villages that are yet to have a
taste of the gospel. We just completed the 2017 edition of the databank. 1116 settlements were covered out of which 217 have no church, and 528 that have churches do not have a pastor over them. The book will be presented to the church leaders in Igala land at the Igala Missions Summit at Ankpa on July 19- 22, 2017. Thank God with us for the grace and wisdom to effectively get the job done and pray for wisdom to effectively get the job done and for the leaders attending the summit to see reasons why they should focus on the remaining villages and give them an opportunity to hear about Jesus.

Prayer Needs
Thank you for all your prayers. We are coming back to you with more prayer needs because of answers we have received in the past. God has blessed us with a good number of converts this past month. Some are going through severe persecution, pray for inner strength for them. We have prospective missionaries needing resources to commence training. Please pray that God will provide.

We also covet your prayers for strength and grace to follow Jesus in the face of persecution, for resources and for completion of building projects across four of our mission fields. Pray for divine protection for all our missionaries and their families and above all, pray for strength and grace for our leadership team. We are also praying for you. God bless you richly.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are grateful for such detailed report. God is with you all the way as we are too. Praying for you and the work