June 2017 Missions’ Update

Thank you so much for praying for us for the past one month. We have been depending on it to keep calm and think clearly in the face of storms we have gone through. We can indeed say as Apostle Paul did in 2 Corinthians 4:9 that “we are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed...” (New Living Translation).

Hospital Bill Paid
We informed you of the passing on of the son of our missionary couples Iliya Luka (Isaac) who was bitten by a snake. The incidence left behind an outstanding bill of 112,000.00, to the glory of God, we have paid up hospital bill and are left with N1000 extra which was given to the family. We appreciate everyone who contributed to offsetting this bill. We are particularly grateful to Gospel Bankers Inc. that provided 50,000.00 towards offsetting the bill and individuals which may not want their names in print. We are also grateful to everyone that prayed for the ministry and the bereaved family. We are indeed touched by your prayers.

Re-Roofing of Bum Worship Center Begins
Church roof completely destroyed
That a diabolical windstorm destroyed the roof of our Bum field worship center is no longer news. The houses of our missionaries and some selected converts were also affected. We were disturbed but God has comforted us immensely, and the re-roofing project has begun. At least the missionaries’ roofs have been completed. In addition, 310,000.00 has been contributed for the church re-roofing. Altogether, the project will gulp N612,000. The breakdown is 370,000.00 for 20 bundles of zinc and 242,000.00 wood, nails, workmanship, etc. We trust that the Lord who began the process of re-roofing will complete it.

Snake Killed  
A snake terrorizing us in the Furaka mission base was sighted, and we struggled for over
Snake terrorizing the mission house killed
a week to kill it but it was not possible. We praise God that the snake was sighted at the Board Room one bright Sunday afternoon. The Home of Grace kids and the School of Cross-Cultural Missions students joined hands to kill it. It was a very long one. Thank God that it did not hurt anyone especially the kids. We are still trusting God for the fund to fumigate the entire mission house

Training Pastors in Missions 
About 500 Pastors from across the nation from over 20 denominations  converged at the Galilee Missions for an interdenominational minister’s conference. We had the opportunity to speak at the conference and to rob minds with Pastors from different background. We are eternally grateful to the leadership of Christian Life Evangelical Ministry (CLEM) for the privilege.

Home of Grace kids' Progress Report/Need

Home of Grace kids
God has remained gracious to our kids at the Home of Grace (HOG). Ishaya Yakubu was elected to the post of president for the Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS), and Daniel Daji became the head boy of Trinity Academy. For us, these are an indication of spiritual and leadership growth imparted into them over the years. These positions will also stretch them and serve as a platform for them to learn more. We are grateful to God. Except for Dan- Asabe, all other children are doing well spiritually, academically and otherwise. 

We have very serious and urgent need. School has resumed, and we are back to the challenges of sorting out their school fees. Thus far, we have only been able to pay the school fees of seven of the kids. Would you kindly pray with us for funds to get this done as quickly as possible?  Some of the partners that helps with the kids are owed salaries. Some are owed  as much as one year salary and one(a lecturer) have her salary slashed down by 20% and another two declined due to financial challenges. We covet your prayers for all our partners. If it is well with them, it is well with the ministry.

More Conversions the Mission Fields   
One of the good news that has continued to trickle in is the report of more souls being won from across the mission fields. The most recent one was from the Benin Republic where God added to us a Fulani family as converts from a hardened Muslim background. Persecution is now a norm. Please pray with us for the Lord to strengthen and protect them. Pray also for the missionary couples who are Fulani themselves that God will shield them from every attack.

More Frontiers for The Gospel - Now on NTA Jos
Despite all our current challenges, God has continued to open doors of opportunity for
Broadcasting the Gospel at Araras, Brazil
the preaching of the gospel. In addition to our radio gospel broadcast in Niger, we now have a weekly broadcast at Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Jos, every Saturday by 5 pm. The responses thus far have been quite encouraging. Please, we covet your prayers that God would breathe on these efforts to bring sinners to the knowledge of Christ, raise missionaries as well as missionary supporters.

Thank you for taking the time to read through and particularly for standing by us. There are so much that God is doing that we cannot afford to share with you via this platform so as not to jeopardize the life of our missionaries and the converts. May the Lord reward you for your sacrifices that made the results possible. As you go through the needs expressed here, please spend time to pray for us. Also, take the time to support some of the financial aspects of the need as God blesses you.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are ever encouraged and inspired by the great work you are doing. Our hearts long to do more in our partnership with GFIM and indeed God will help us. Thank you for such detailed report. This keeps us abreast of the ministry and bring us near even if we are far away. May the Lord refresh your and all GFIM staff and continue to raise partners for this great work. God bless you sir. Keep the flag flying. We will not cease to pray for you.