April 2017 Missions Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. We are incredibly grateful to you for your selfless consistent partnership that has brought us to this point in our effort to take the light of the gospel to the unreached people. God has been very gracious to us, and as usual, we will like to share with you some of the highlights of our walk with God in the past one month to advance the course of missions.

22nd African mission Summit (AMS 2017)
Evangelist Oguche ministering
The AMS 2017 has come and gone. It was preceded by the Pioneer Missionary Conference (PMC 2017) which brought together Grace Foundation’s missionaries, missionaries from of our partnering agencies and missionaries that we mentor. The PMC was very successful. The AMS 2017 was also a huge blessing. It attracted over 300 mission leaders. With the aid of technology, we had more persons joining online from Morocco, Botswana, United Kingdom, United States of America, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, etc.  Seasoned ministers of the gospel including Evangelist and Mrs. Mike Bamiloye, Evangelist Sunday Oguche, Evangelist Elsie Govender, Papa Joe Egwuda and others handled the plenary sessions and prayed for the missionaries. God visited the delegates, and we all left the summit strengthened. We had special session for indigenous converts from the mission fields.

Oma Outreach
Our annual outreach to Oma held five days after the AMS 2017, and God again was very
Putting smiles on the faces of widows
gracious to us. Many souls were saved. Sick persons were prayed for, and many testified of their healing.  Also, like we did in 2016, we put smiles on the faces of many widows and vulnerable women by giving them brand new wrappers. We are grateful to Soteria Church, Baltimore for the clothes and shoes they sent in earlier this year. After distributing the bulk of the clothes across our mission fields in Niger Republic fields, Benin Republic fields,
Putting smiles on the faces of widows
Bauchi State fields, Jos, etc. We took some to Oma, and the villagers were very appreciative of the precious gifts. We considered that as part of our little way of practicing holistic mission. We planned to help out with medical missions, but we were limited by resources.

Mission Mobilisation/ Capacity Building
We had open doors to mobilize the body of Christ for an increase in harvest force at the End Time Congress on World Evangelisation at Makurdi and the Christian Faith International’s Kingdom Life Conference at Masaka. God showed us mercy at the two conferences. Several persons responded by volunteering for missions, and the missionaries in attendance also testified of God’s visitation.

Fields Report
We embarked on some re-organisation to enhance the work on some of our fields.  Yau
Mrs Daji. a Dukawa at the
 Indigenous Conference
Ibrahim and his wife were posted Libentee, Benin Republic to work among the Bokko people while Nuhu and Sabatu Karanbana were moved to Bauchi State to head the work among the Bolu people.  We continue to receive heart-warming news of conversions to Christ from several mission fields including former juju priest and hardened sons of our other cousins. Pray along with us for Christ to be formed in them as the missionaries labor on discipling them. There are threats on some of the Believers but thank God with us that they are not intimidated.

The Ahole mission house project is at a standstill again.  The funds available have been used up. Please, pray along with us for more funding to enable us to resume work and finish up before the rain sets in especially now that the Naira is gradually regaining value.

We are trusting God to improve on our missionaries welfare in the face of the dwindling economy. One of our missionaries desires a saloon for his wife and another desire a grinding machine. Also, a missionary wants a deep freezer to enable his family to sell ice block/water and another, a sewing machine. Pray along with us for God to prompt hearts of friends and partners to give towards these projects.  They will go a long way to cushion the effect of the inflation.

HOG Kids
Substantial numbers of our kids at the Home of Grace(HOG) are teenagers now. We are daily confronted with challenges we are not familiar with. While most of them are doing well and very teachable, some of them require a lot of prayers. We particularly covet your prayers for Dan-Asabe who has consistently demonstrated character traits that are ungodly. Jonathan Umoru is warming up for his WASC and NECO examinations. He has also enrolled for the JAMB UME exam. Kindly, join us to pray for retentive memory as he studies this season. Jacinta and Blessing just concluded their JSS Mock examination and are studying for their final JSS final exam. We have two new kids: Elizabeth Daji from the Dukawa people group and Samuel Moses from the Boko people group.  That is additional responsibility. Pray that God will connect us with men of substance that will undertake to adopt them for their monthly upkeep of N15,000 per person.

Missions Training
God helped us to graduate another set of missionaries from the School of Cross-Cultural Missions in March 2017. 15 of them are expected to graduate, but only 9 of them made it. Three of the students have resumed work in their mission agencies. Four of them have also resumed work with us.

Elsie Govender
Mama Elsie with one of her many girls in Nigeria
For the 11th year, Evangelist Elsie Govender from Durban, South Africa has graciously and sacrificially donated one month to labor with us in God’s vineyard in Nigeria. 

Together with some members of our team, she had contributed immensely to mission fields in tough terrain like Dir, Bolu, and Bum in Bauchi State. She has also joined the pioneering team to Oma in Benue State where four years ago, 17 scorpions were killed in one day, and a snake was killed on our last trip this month. In some cases, she slept in remote jungles without roof and toilet. She eats the local food without complaining. To her, if Jesus would leave the comfort of heaven to come to this world, it was not a big deal to bear discomfort so as to make Jesus known in places where He is not known.

We are incredibly grateful to Elsie for these years of sacrifice. We appreciate the Peniel Church, Durban for releasing her. We thank World Outreach Team in Action(WOTA) for the confidence reposed on us. We also appreciate Elsie’s children and grandchildren for the sacrifices they have made all these years. Please, pray along with us that God will bless Elsie and her family. Pray also that God will give us more of Elsie's.


Thank you for taking time to read through this update. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for your many sacrifices. Your partnership has helped us a great deal. God will reward you a hundredfold. We pray for you always that God will grant you the desires of your heart. Your source will never run dry.

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