February 2017 Missions Update

Dearly Beloved,

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. God has been gracious to us, and we are grateful to Him. Your partnership has also been very helpful to us, and we sincerely appreciate you for all your sacrifices. The past three months has been great as we see God moved us forward in all directions. These includes many conversions to Christ in almost all our mission fields.

Juju Priest who surrendered his life to Christ
Idols set on fire
The incredible dimension is that some walked to the missionaries themselves to surrender their lives to Christ without being preached to.  From the Benin Republic, we receive a report from our missionaries that a frontline Juju Priest surrendered his life to Christ from among the Bokko People group. The Women Fellowships from all our fields in Bauchi State visited Bolu field where they had three days outreach and 15 persons surrendered their lives to Christ as a result. At Bum, a very hardened idol worshipper also surrendered his life to Christ and has been zealously serving the Lord since then. The testimonies cut across all the fields.

Please, kindly join us in praying that God will establish them in faith. Pray for those going through severe persecution that the Lord will strengthen them to stand despite threats. Pray for our missionaries overseeing some of the converts from Muslim background that God will give them the wisdom to handle the discipleship as well as protection from those who are furious at them.

Indigenous Believers Discipleship Camping
The Niger State IBC
We had our annual discipleship-based camp meeting at Bum in Bauchi State comprising of our converts from Zabulanchi, Dir, Zull, Bolu and Bum in January 2017 and God used it to build the converts' faith as well as encouraged the missionaries. All the sessions of the program including the specialized ones for youth, children, women, and men were eye-opening, and several needs were met. Many gave their lives to Christ. Many sicks were healed.
Also, at the Niger State level, we gathered together converts from the Dukawa, Kamberi, Fulani, Bokko and other tribes at our Samunaka–Borgu Mission Station for a four-day camp meeting. It was a great moment in God’s presence with series of testimonies.

Expanding the Gospel Frontier to Bali
The Bazali people are in Dundot, Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State with about 2000 population. They once had a taste of two churches, the Living Faith Church and ECWA Church but at the moment, both of them have been shut down. Our missionaries in Dir, Yohana Musa, and Samson Tara have taken the gospel to the Bazali people in the village, and 11 persons including two couples surrendered their lives to Christ and began regular church attendance. They hold church services currently, under the tree and their commitment has been very encouraging. Pray along with us that the God of all grace will continue to hasten the work.

22nd African Missions Summit (AMS 2017)
Gloria & Mike Bamiloye
Speakers @ the AMS 2017
On March 15-19, 2017, about 500 mission leaders and other stakeholders in world evangelization from no fewer than 10 African countries will converge at our mission base in Jos for the 22nd edition of the African Mission Summit (AMS 2017). Evangelist Mike & Gloria Bamiloye of Mount Zion Film, Pastor Joe Egwuda, Evangelist Sunday Oguche, etc. will be ministering. The theme is Grace for the Finishing Line & the Remaining Task. Join us to pray for the quick release of visa to our delegates, journey mercies of the delegates and the release of the financial resources we need to host the program. Also, pray that God will help us to realize the purpose of the summit and more missionaries will be recruited, partners engage, and the kingdom of God expanded. You are invited to join us at the Summit.

HOG Growing in Grace

Our Home of Grace (HOG) kids in all our stations in Jos, Samunaka, and Ahole in the Niger Republic are all growing in grace. Three of the elderly children, Salisu, Mary, and Rachel are undergoing their teaching practice now.  Ayuba who was formally discharged from the Home of Grace after his NYSC three years ago is set to marry. His wedding comes up on March 11, 2017. He is over with his Post Graduate Diploma in Education and has defended his M. Sc.(Economics) project this week. You are specially invited to the wedding ceremony at our mission base in Jos.
Niger Republic HOG Kids
Blessing Garba, Jacinta Yakubu, and David Maisanmari have enrolled for their Junior WAEC. Jonathan Umaru has also enrolled for NECO & WAEC. Priscilla is about rounding up her 100 level Guidance & Counseling at the University of Jos. All the little ones are also growing fast, and we are thankful to God for their lives. We are grateful to all our friends, partners and adoptees that have made it easy for us to meet their needs. Four of the HOG Kids at the Niger Republic were involved in an automobile accident. They had a slight injury. Pray for speedy healing.

Mission’s Training
The students who have been away for two months practical experience has finished and returned with testimonies of how God used them to win more souls, organizing meetings for the youths, Crusade where God healed and delivered people. We thank God for the impact they made on the various mission fields across three countries.  2017 set of students has resumed. More of the students who were to resume are hindered by financial pressures. Please pray for the fund for their training. 

Field Projects
We just brought down the wall of our mission house at Ahole, the Niger Republic instead of waiting for it to collapse on the missionaries and their families. We had molded enough blocks and bought some rods for the pillars. With a recent support of N150,000.00, we are taking a step of faith to kickstart the foundation trusting God for a continuous flow of fund for the project to continue. The church building projects at Samunaka are suspended pending when God will provide. In some of the fields, we still worship under trees and huts.
Once again, thank you for partnering with us. May the Lord bless you all richly. 

Oma Outreach/Soteria Support
Distributing new wrappers to widows & the vulnerables at Oma
We are tidying up our plans for the Oma Outreach. We need volunteers with medical skills, donation of drugs and medical accessories, prayer team and 100-300 new wrappers to cloth widows, vulnerable, orphans, etc. Join the team that will put eternal smiles to these people. The date is March 22-25, 2017. The memory of 2016 outreach is indelible. Please, specify if your gift is designated. Meanwhile, we are grateful to God and our partnering church, Soteria Church, Baltimore whom  God use to provide assorted clothes, toys, shoes, bags etc. in January 2017. Through that support, we were able to put smiles on the faces of scores of missionaries, widows, orphans, etc. We pray that God will reward every single donor that made it possible. 


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