Special Invitation to 22nd African Missions Summit (AMS 2017)

Dearly Beloved,

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. I trust that this letter will find you growing in grace.

We are at the end of the end times and yet, the volume of the unfinished task still very staggering. In the face of this task, weariness is beginning to set in such that result coming from the mission fields is declining. For those concern about the remaining task, the need for an emergency to be declared to confront the realities on the ground cannot be over emphasized. On March 15-19, 2017 we have the privilege as stakeholders in the front line of advancing the gospel to the darkest part of the earth especially the African continent to converge and synergize. It is on this note that I consider it an enormous pleasure to invite you to the 22nd African Missions Summit (AMS 2017) coming up at the headquarters of Grace Foundation International, Jos, Nigeria. Do kindly join us to pray together, brainstorm and share challenging experiences and models that have keep us victorious on the battle for the final harvest.

We advise that no mission leader should wait until his or her oil is fully exhausted. Also, we cannot ignore the reality that the oil is drying up either individually or corporately. We all need refilling to enable us to finish well. We are approaching the finishing line and cannot afford to give up now. At the 22nd African Missions Summit(AMS 2017), quality time will be spent by seasoned beneficiaries of God's grace like Evangelist Mike Bamiloye, Evangelist Sunday Oguche, Uncle Joseph Egwuda and others to speak and pray the grace of God on all weary mission leaders. We have regional leaders from over 10 African countries like Prince Mtowo fro Namibia, Elsie Govender/Jean Beya from South Africa, Jean-Baptist Ouango from Senegal, George Abaidoo and Edward Amankwaa will be providing a bridge for mission opportunities across the continent. We certainly need more of His grace to complete the remaining task.

To ease the burden of attendance,  accommodation, feeding and summit materials, are free, but pre-summit registration is a pre-requisite for attendance as that will help us in security management, proper budgeting, and planning. Attendance at this year's summit is liberal. It includes field missionaries, decision/policy makers, other stakeholders in world evangelisation including mission leaders, church pastors, mission supporters, student leaders, etc.  In addition to focusing on the theme, there will be platforms for networking and issue groups considering entrance into Latin America, Middle East, and  Francophone countries.

Our team on the ground are looking forward to receiving you at the summit and provide you warm African hospitality. Your attendance will be a great honor, encouragement to us as well as a plus for God’s work among the unreached people groups. For registration, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/22nd-african-missions-summit-ams-2017-tickets-31370625385. You can call, SMS or WhatsApp to +2348159444497 or +2348173322222.

God bless you.

His Bondservant,

Andrew Abah

International Director

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