November 2016 Missions' Update

Dearly Kneeling Partner,

Calvary love and greetings in Jesus name. We trust that God is blessing you on all sides. For us, He has been awesome. We lack adequate words to express how grateful we are to Him for not only sustaining us but moving us forward even in the face of the economic recession these last two months. We are grateful to you also for the tremendous sacrifices you have continued to make and your untiring prayer supports. Your partnership has yielded many results as we witness advancement in men and women knowing and serving the Lord in locations that were notorious as dark places of the earth.

Mission Training
AMLI 2016 Graduates
Our mission trainees completed the first phase of their practical sessions which lasted two months. They have since returned to the classroom. We thank God for Journey mercies and testimonies of God's visitation during the period of their stay in the field. One of our greatest challenges has been the inability of our trainees to pay their fees. We thank God for the Gospel Bankers who has stood by us over the years. This session, they paid for the international students and recently another person who wants to remain anonymous paid for another four candidates. We still have three candidates outstanding and two independent students who have paid part of their fees and are trusting God to complete it. Pray that God Almighty will raise support for the remaining candidates.
Also, we had a successful training for the mission leaders at our 2016 session of the Advanced Missions Leadership Institute (AMLI) ‘s bi-annual course.  24 mission leaders registered for the course, but three of them could not make it. 21 leaders attended with 15 other observers. The 21 leaders are from four different countries representing 11 different mission organizations. Thank you so much for praying. Pray that the things learned will be put to use.

Diaspora Missions & Visit to Soteria Church
Diaspora Mission Consultation
The Next Move is a coalition of mission agency workers and researchers uniting to help with Diaspora mission agency. Before now, it has been a purely western organization, but with the intent to internationalize the organization, I was invited to join the track on Vision Casting and Mobilization. We had a consultation recently at Louisville, Kentucky. It was both an opportunity to learn as well as making input from the lenses of the Nigeria missions. It was also an opportunity of making new friends for the advancement of His Kingdom in general and Diaspora missions in particular. Using a stone to kill two birds,  I stopped over to pay a thank you visit our partner church, Soteria Church in  Baltimore. The leader and his family have been part of this work for over two years and now, the entire church. The partnership has made a huge difference in our work especially on a widow and her orphaned children whose husband/father was killed by Boko Haram. Also, three orphans/vulnerable kids at the Home of Grace(HOG) and one other non-HOG kid as well as two missionary couples. They have also been involved in sponsoring mission house/church building projects. They plan to do more as God bless them. Please, join us to pray for the church and her leadership that God would bless the works of their hands and grant them the desires of their hearts.

Home of Grace(HOG)
The HOG kids are all doing well. Jonathan Umar, Abel Yakubu, and Blessing Garba were
Growing in grace
sick, and after series of medical check-up, they have all improved and returned to school.  They are doing well in their studies and growing spiritually. Dan-Asabe graduated from the children Sunday school class to intermediate class last week. The term has gone half-way but unfortunately, three of the kids without adoption are yet to get all the relevant textbooks. Some need new school uniform.  Three of our partners adopting some of the kids have withdrawn. One of them withdrew due to non-payment of salary for 11months. The other person relocated to the United States and would need some time to settle down while the third has kept mute for several months. Pray for all our partners adopting one or more children that God would bless them and continue to provide resources for them to fulfill their obligations. God is the one that gives seed to the sower.

Fields report
We have seen God perform his wonders in most of our mission fields. The Women Fellowship from all our mission fields in Bauchi state converged at Bolu field to join forces with the missionary couple, Pastor and Mrs. Joel Dukiya for a house to house evangelism during which some of the villagers surrendered their lives to Christ. They were heavily persecuted but have remained firm in the faith. The discipleship work is going on. Our motorcycle that was ceased by the police after armed robbers attempted to snatch it has been released back to us. We continue to covet your prayers for divine protection.
The Dukawa field is also recording progress. The missionary couple, Sayeri, and Mousa are enjoying God’s favor as more and more youths are attracted to them through the instrumentality of the grinding machine bought for them by the Mission Support League (Makurdi chapter). Pray along with us that this will result in more persons surrendering their lives to Christ. They reported that their motorcycle is weak and needs to be replaced because of the bad terrain. So much has been invested in repairing it but it has continued to break down.

The Kamberi work both in Nigeria and the Benin Republic are progressing well. Praise God for our missionaries Ayuba Dawa, Rabo Yakubu, Ibrahim Ishaya and his wife. They have all continued to lift the banner of the Lordship of Christ at  Tugan Haske, Gbeshe, Kuble, and Samunaka. Conversion has not been massive but has been consistent with the discipleship work. Pray for the regional leader Sunday Musa as he travels extensively supervising the missionaries both in Nigeria and in the Benin Republic. The work is becoming more stressful with the ongoing expansion. Bitrus Ilaya and his wife have been drafted to join the Kamberi team. They head the Kamberi work in the Benin Republic. Ayuba Magaji has been going through some spiritual challenges. Join us to pray for his restoration.

Yohanna and Rahila Musa have continued to labor among the people of Dir. One of the converts who got married a year ago lost their baby. Another convert lost his father. They covet your prayers for strength amidst this dark storm. Rahila has completed her sewing apprenticeship. She needs two sewing machines so she can transfer the skill to the converts on the mission field. Please pray that God will raise partners that will buy the sewing machine between now and the end of the year. Moses Adebisi and Ladi Ekpa are making remarkable progress among the Zullawa People. The converts have grown to the point of helping in outreaches to the other tribes around the Zaranda Mountain. The Zull church has built a mission house to roofing level. Our desire is that the building will be completed between now and January 2017 but a lot of money is needed for roofing, doors, and windows. The Zullawa field under the leadership of Simon Peter also covets your prayers for growth. We are also trusting God for more laborers to join the missionary on ground. At Furaka, we had an outdoor crusade where over 30 persons gave their lives to Christ. Diverse kinds of incredible miracles took place including four deaf persons that began to hear. 

Foreign Missions
Nuhu and Sabatu Karanbana laboring among the Bokko people in the Benin Republic appreciate your prayers for them and the work. The converts according to them are coming up well despite the hostile environment. The value of the Naira has depreciated badly against their currency and has affected them adversely. They appeal for prayers to raise for them more partners and to look inward; they desire to buy a grinding machine like the Dukawa field to augment their upkeep support.

The Niger Republic used to be a very receptive and friendly mission field despite the very high Muslim population. The situation is changing fast. A few days ago, a missionary was abducted by one of the militant groups from Mali. Join us to pray for his release. The emergency rescue team would want us to conceal his name for now for security reason. Please pray for our eight missionaries heading four separate mission fields in the country for divine protection. We have needs for mission houses, churches and fencing of one of our mission houses in the Niger Republic. The cost of these projects is on the increase due to inflation in Nigeria where they buy most of these items and the devaluation of our currency. We need a miracle to get this done. Please pray along with us for a surprise of supply of funds to get these projects executed.


Again, thank you so much for your consistent partnership. You will agree with us that God has been graciously blessing the partnership. Your labor has not been in vain. He will reward your labor of love. The progress is attracting more and more challenges. New missionaries are being recruited to pioneer new fields. This is capital intensive. More orphans and vulnerable kids are received at the HOG to be given a future. The older missionaries are being empowered to cope with the challenges of the expansion. We will continue to  appreciate your partnership to make Christ known among the unreached people. We pray for you often. We covet your prayers often. God bless you richly.

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