Special Invitation to 21st African Missions Summit (AMS 2016)

I consider it a huge pleasure to invite you to the 21st African Missions Summit (AMS 2016) coming up at the headquarters of Grace Foundation International, Jos, Nigeria  on March 9-13, 2016. The theme of this year’s AMS is Battle for the Final Harvest. 

Attendance at this year's summit will be slightly liberal. It include all grassroots' missionaries, all stakeholders in world evangelisation including mission leaders, church pastors, mission supporters, student leaders, etc. There will be free feeding, accommodation and summit materials but pre-summit registration is a pre-requisite for attendance as that will help us in security management, proper budgeting and planning.

Other special features include:
* In addition to focussing on the theme, we will have leaders from strategic African nations review models of the paradigms they have adopted in engaging Unreached People Groups in the face of current global hostility against the gospel.
* We will have mission leaders from Europe share with us their practical struggles and mission opportunities in their continent.
* There will be platforms for networking and issue groups considering entrance into Latin America, Middle East and  Francophone countries.
* Corporate Prayers and special counselling sessions for weary and wounded field missionaries to be handled by seasoned missionary pastors.
* Koinonia among participants aimed at generating new kingdom minded friendship that will enhance & accelerate work among unreached people groups as well as first hand missions report that will fuel passion of all participants to do more for God especially in the area of enthroning Jesus as Lord in the remaining dark nations of the world.

 Our teams on ground are looking forward to receiving you at the summit and provide you warm African hospitality. Your attendance will be a great honour, encouragement to us as well as a plus for God’s work among the unreached people groups. If you are in need of visa, call us so we can send a formal letter to our High Commission in your country.

God bless you.

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