God at Work in Niger Republic

May he also rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. Let the nomads of the desert bow before him, And his enemies lick the dust (Psalm 72:8-9).

God is honoring His word among the desert tribes. He is at work in all the six mission fields where Grace Foundation missionaries are laboring in Niger Republic. Below are the reports presented by the missionaries.  Note that some of the names on this report have been changed  for security reasons.

At Tibiri, one of our converts, Mouni has been restored back to the faith. He has resumed Discipleship classes. Another convert, Hab sadly got married to a Muslim. She is so persuaded that she will get him converted. Pray that she will not backslide as a result of the marriage and that God will give her the courage needed to preach the good news to her husband. The discipleship class is transforming the lives of the few members in all aspects of their lives. Almost all our students excelled in school. One of them, Androus was selected as one of the outstanding brilliant students. We are really glad at what the gospel is doing in the lives of people.
Liman & Abiguel Dan-Wauya, Country Director

Our radio broadcast is impacting more souls. Though, we don't have the number of those who accepted Christ as a result of the broadcast, but we know many who call to get more clarification on the messages they listen to on radio. Many listeners have testified that they are getting more understanding and insight to the word of God. Some of the workers at the radio station eagerly look forward to it. They sit at the studio and listen to the live recordings. The Country Director, Liman Danwauya, requests that we pray along with the team for their salvation and that God will help them maximize this special open door in the hearts of the Muslim nation.

Also at Bankoula, God is at work. A new set of Grace Foundation missionaries, Amina and Harouna resumed work few months ago among them. Their responses have being heartwarming. God gave them insight to start a football club as a strategy to attract the youths. He also has children Bible Club which is thriving very well. The missionaries added "We appreciate the Samaritan Purse that sponsored the construction of a kitchen and the financial contributions of the Grace Foundation missionaries in Niger to renovate the mission house. The village head has being quite supportive and we visit him very often. Pray that the friendship and fellowship will lead to his salvation".

Rahila Maliki, Salkam

Salkam is also not left out.  GFIM missionaries, Rahila and Issa Maliki reported that the church is growing gradually and more persons are coming to know the Lord. The latest conversions were that of two persons, a mother and her son. God is helping them to disciple the converts.  He added: "Five more persons recently join us in our Sunday worship services. One of our converts, Assoumane Seini passed his common entrance examination into secondary School. Another, Gado Salma has gone to Benin Republic. Please, pray that God will keep him in the faith and secure him in the hollows of His hands".

Rahila was sick and had to be rushed to the hospital at Dosso. To the shame of the Devil, God used the occasion to show how much the Grace Foundations Missionaries love and care for each other. The missionaries and their churches contributed 20,000CFA to pay the bill.

Blessing Boubacar, Afole

The body of Christ at Afole is growing even though the number of believers remains few. GFIM missionaries at Afole, Emmanuel and Blessing Boubacar testified of God's faithfulness despite challenges. According to them rain delayed in falling in most part of Niger and in some places there has been no rain. This has led to severe hunger as little can be done in terms of farming. It is a terrible situation preaching the gospel to helpless hungry people without being able to feed them. Please, pray for God's intervention to this re-occurring hunger situation and pray also for help to be able to reach the people holistically.

The mission house was built with mud and after many years it is gradually disintegrating. The cracks on the wall are threatening.  We will need to rebuild the entire mission house at the long run. But in the mean time, we are doing all we can to salvage the building by bridging the cracks. God provided 5000CFA for the repair but we are trusting God for three additional bags of cement to complete the repair. Pray along with us also for funds to begin a new building before the eventual collapse of the present mud house.

They covet prayers for the medical missions unit and the Home of Grace (HOG) at the Afole field. The children are also waxing very strong.

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