August 2015 Missions Update

Calvary greetings from our mission base here in Furaka. Thank you again for your continuous partnership. It has enabled us to move forward this past one month despite increasing odds.

Libentee Church, Benin Republic
We are delighted to inform you that the balance of the funds required for the roofing of the church at Libentee field in Benin Republic has been paid. We are grateful to God for the divine provision. Thank you for praying and giving. Our next challenge is the windows, doors, flooring and plastering. God who brought us thus far will help us in finishing the work. Our missionaries, Sabatu and Nuhu Karambana are grateful and really encouraged.

Registration in Zambia
At River Kafue in Zambia
We have commenced our registration process in Zambia. Again, God provided the entire funds needed for the various stages of the registration amounting 103,700 Zambia Kwacha(Almost N80,000), when the registration is completed, Grace foundation Zambia will fully begin to raise a work force for the purpose of engaging the dark communities in the nation and surrounding countries. The next point of need is to commence fund generating projects that will sustain our missionary, Rex Chipoya and his family. With the terrible devaluation of Naira, the most ideal means of upkeep is to start a fund generating project which in itself will require funds.

More Motor cycles for Nigerian fields
The terrain of the Nigerian mission fields is constantly wearing out our motorcycles. At Dir and Bum fields, their motorcycles have been virtually written off. God brought encouragement  to Pastor and Mrs Yohanna Musa manning the Dir field less than a week ago with a brand new motorcycle to replace his worn-out one. Ladi Ekpa of Bum is coveting prayers for a ladylike motorcycle costing N140, 000. She currently heads the North East Region and really needs the bike to cover all the mission fields and her domain for effective monitoring.

HOG Kids' Excel in School
A good number of our kids came out in flying colours in their just concluded  3rd term
Naomi receiving her award for coming first in her class
promotional exams and smiled home with numerous prizes to the glory of God. Naomi came first in her class, KG2. Yakubu, Dan-Asabe and Jacinta came second in their respective classes. Michael was the most outstanding student in mathematics (jss3) while Daniel was the overall best in his class (jss3). Three of our Kids are currently sitting for their junior West African Examination council examination. We covet and seek for prayers. The HOG in Niger Republic and Samunaka, Niger state are still in need of support.

Bereavement in Chad
Our dear colleague,  brother and friend, Samuel Benouji completed his labour three weeks ago and has gone to be with the lord. until his death, he was not only labouring in Chad but co-ordinating the central African Missions Project(CAMP). He was indeed dedicated, selfless and loyal. It will be difficult to find someone to fill his shoes.

Samuel Benuoji
Pray along with us that the God with whom all things are possible will raise a workforce for himself for Chad and Northern Cameroon. Pray that the lord will comfort his family and the entire Grace Foundation family over this loss. We are grateful to all our partners, trustees, council members and friends who called and visited during this sad moment.

Prayer Needs
We constantly recognise that without God we will be unable to make any remarkable progress in the work. Please keep praying for us for more reliable God –fearing labourers and funds for the upkeep/welfare of serving missionaries. Many of them are serving in very difficult areas where they have to raise support for themselves. Pray for funds to complete churches and mission houses on the field.

Pray for our school of Cross-Cultural Missions (SOCM) students undergoing training. They are currently in various jungles for their field trips, pray for our HOG Kids. By next month, they are all expected to return to school and so much is required for their fees, text books and uniform.

Pray for parents who have adopted 10 of them. Only five are consistent in remitting the funds needed for their upkeep. Pray for all our Partners, for God's continual blessing upon their lives, so that they can in turn be in a position to further the work.

Pray for our leadership team and myself as I travel across nations of the world  to mobilise the church to focus on engaging the dark nations of the world. This month, I will be in Ghana to speak first to pastors in Accra, then at Oasis of Life Church and also in a Congress of World Evangelisation.

God bless you richly.


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