Not called did you say, I think you should say not heard the call- William Booth

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 “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned”. (KJV)  Mark 16:15, 16

This was the last command of Jesus to His disciples before His ascension, and as many as received Him, He gave power to become His sons (Disciples). We cannot deny this call; it is our utmost duty as believers. We have been saved to serve.

“Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest”. (KJV)  Luke 10:2

Someone once said, “The greatest crime a believer could ever commit is to die with the gospel not having shared it to others”.

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed” -Hudson Taylor
The command has been to ‘go’, but we have stayed- in body, gifts, prayer and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth… but 99% of Christians have kept puttering around in the homeland” -Robert Savage, Latin American Missions

There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand, do it now while life remaineth, you shall rest in Jesus land – VOM.

Irrespective of your educational status, family background, nationality or race, God has need of you. God never calls the qualified, He rather qualifies the called.

Sometimes we speak of great men that God used. These were men God raised for Himself.
These men were mighty in intellect, strong and unwavering in faith, dauntless in courage, tender in spirit, warm in affection and ready to surrender all to the Lord. Every believer has been called to spread the good news of salvation.

Martin Luther carried the message of justification by faith; John Wesley heralded the grace of sanctification; David Brainerd was able to make a highway for God’s work among the Red Indians through prayer and fasting; Charles G. Finney was a man God used mightily to promote the nineteenth century Great Awakening that blew across America and Great Britain. Kathryn Kuhlman was a woman of faith; Aimee McPherson spearheaded the Four Square Gospel Church. 

George Muller’s life shows that God is still the living God and that He is faithful to those who put their trust in Him; David Livingstone was used to spread the gospel by faith in the dark continent of Africa; Charles Spurgeon was a staunch defender of the evangelical faith; D.L Moody, though not educated but highly respected by the educated, depopulated hell by millions of souls.

Smith Wigglesworth was used of God to demonstrate the power of God through preaching and healing; Samuel Morris’ life is a challenge to all African believers that they can also do the work of God wherever they find themselves. God has no more precious gifts to give to a church or an age than men who live as the embodiment of His will and carry the message of salvation to their Judea, Samaria and the outermost part of the earth.

The great cry on every lip is for men and women who can impact this world in a positive way; men and women who do not help temper the ruinous of evil.
God would use those men who have no trust in their own power but who depend upon the might of the Lord. They are people whose relationship with God is outstanding and exemplary. The men God uses are men of integrity and faithfulness. They are people whose character cannot be questioned, men of clean hands and a pure heart.

God wants to make you His agent to take the message of life to a world in turmoil. He can use you. Shalom!


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