July 2015 Missions Update

Dearly Beloved,

Greetings to you from Chingola, Zambia in Jesus name. We trust that this update finds you growing in grace. God has been good to us beyond words. Despite few challenges encountered, the last two months were spiced with chains of testimonies of mind-blowing divine interventions. We are grateful to Him and appreciate your love, unceasing prayers and financial input.

GF Zambia Inaugurated
Grace Foundation Zambia- Days of small beginning
In March 2015, we concluded the formal plan for Grace Foundation Zambia to be birthed. We consider a Zambian national most appropriate to pioneer the work. Rex Chipoya was engaged and commissioned. He began work almost immediately and I have the privilege of formally inaugurating the ministry July 2015. Also before the inauguration, I spoke at the Christian Word Center International Convention, Lusaka, traveled to Kafue to dedicate a new tourist center and later addressed a team of God-fearing business men on kingdom Advancement.

More Churches in Dark Jungles
Our evangelism among the unreached people is increasingly yielding fruits. With the conversion rate, we were left with no other option but to plant local churches even as the discipleship process goes on. This brings our total number of churches in Benin Republic to four with the latest among the Bokkos and Kamberis. Our total number of churches in Bauchi State has also increased to five, all in very remote, distinct unreached people groups. The latest is among the Zambulanchis. With these advancement, more missionaries are engaged, older missionaries have been redeployed and discipled laymen are engaged to disciple others.

Relief for The Home of Grace
Baby Victor
God has graciously visited the Home of Grace(HOG) by sending a couple who adopted five children and another brother who adopted one more kid. These adoptions have brought a huge relief to us as the third term school fees of all the children have been paid without struggle. We were able to buy sufficient foodstuffs and to cater for many other key needs. Priscilla also completed her Secondary School WAEC and NECO examination. Daniel Daji, Michael Vincent and Ishaya Yakubu are presently undertaking their junior WAEC and will soon be through. Results of six our kids who sat for JAMB had a good outcome. We are praying that they will all secure admissions into the university. Two of the missionary kids from the Boko Haram war torn North East region that joined the home recently are fully integrated into the system. We have more requests from other missionaries who intend to bring their children over. We are praying over it.

Missions Training
The students of the School of Cross-Cultural Missions(SOCM) have completed their semester training and are currently undergoing practical exposure on the mission field. The attachment will last till October 2015. The Advanced Missions Leadership Institute(AMLI) will be coming up in October and admission is already in progress.  

Mission Field Project
Missionary team at Benin Republic/Kamberi/Bokko fields

We praise God for the huge progress and input made in the work at some of our mission fields. The Tugan Haske church has been completed. The Angwa-Egbesi church has been roofed and is now being put to use. They were both built with mud blocks and roofed with zinc. We need to get some bags of cement to plaster some portions of the wall which is being washed by rain. We are grateful to all that God have used in making ready these places of worship.  At Libentee field in Benin Republic, the church has been built to the roofing stage. The lintel of the Bolu mission house - A three bedroom flat has been completed. What is left is the laying of two more coaches of block and it will be ready for roofing.

On Kafue River where we encountered two sets of 3 hipopotamus
Many programs have being scheduled to help broaden the awareness in the body of Christ on the need to consciously engage the dark places of the earth with the gospel. On July 16-18, 2015 we will be holding 6th Igala Missions Summit(IMS) aimed at consulting with stakeholders to update our existing database on the unreached communities in the Igala nation. On August 8th, 2015 we will be at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital to inaugurate the Moission Ville. On August 10, 2015, we will be joining other mission leaders for the Kamberi/Dukawa mission consultation at Minna, Niger state Capital and we will be leaving for the Calebite World Conference from August 12-16, 2015 and then the International Ministers Conference at Accra where I will speak on August 26-28  and Ocean of Life, Accra on August 29-31, 2015.

We covet your prayers for divine protection on all our missionaries, their families, our converts on the mission fields as well as those at the headquarters including the Home of Grace kids. We foiled an attempted kidnap about a month ago. We eventually released the kidnapper to go when the villagers testified that he had a mental problem. Again, the Boko Haram sect seem to be fully back. We covet your prayers that God will intervene divinely. It is clear that the change of government is not the answer.

Also, with the crashing of Naira, the support we are sending to our missionaries outside Nigeria and the mission house/church building projects are grossly inadequate. We need more funds to cope. We have needs for more church buildings and mission houses in all the places where we've started church services. Some of them meet under trees while some others in uncompleted buildings. We also need three new motorcycles to help the missionaries cover more grounds and improve on discipleship. We also need two grinding machines for two separate communities so as to build bridges between the people and to generate additional money for the missionaries upkeep.

To sum up, we remain eternally grateful to you for your partnership. You have been such a great blessing and your input has made indelible difference in our pursuit to enthroning Jesus as Lord in the dark places of the earth. May God bless you richly.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah
International Director



truonghieunghia said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.

truonghieunghia said...
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