May 2015 Missions Update

Calvary Greetings in Jesus name.

The past two months have been quite occupied with scheduled activities of the ministry. In respect to these, we were unable to update you on what God is doing through you and what we’ve been able to accomplish via your partnership with us. We have seen God do marvelous things and we know they are connected to your prayers. For example, on two of our fields, men and women have walked to the mission house to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

AMS 2015
Resource persons from Uganda, Malawi, Ghana, Zambia, etc.
The 20th African Missions Summit was a huge success despite the “Election Fever” and Rumors of possible war that discouraged many from travelling during that period. However, well over 200 mission leaders from Cameroon, Niger, Ghana, Zambia, Uganda, Benin Republic and Nigeria were present to share fellowship, experiences, corporate prayers and the building of a stronger relationship. It was awesome and we give God the glory.

Missions Training
The 20th Set of our School of Cross-Cultural Missions has graduated. That amounts to
Graduation Ceremony of  the 20th Batch of  the
School of Cross-Cultural Missions
additional laborers for the dark places of the earth. While some of the graduates have gone back to join the workforce of the various ministries which sponsored them for the one year Cross-Cultural Missions training. The others automatically joined our team.  A new set of students have resumed training and we have five more successfully screened applicants from the Fulani and Hausa background who are trusting God for sponsorship. Kindly pray along with us that God will provide sponsors.

New Frontiers, Additional Missionaries & More Responsibilities
God has also added to us no fewer than ten additional missionaries. Rex Chipoya and his wife are Zambians; they will be pioneering the work of Grace Foundation Inland Missions in Zambia.  Harouna and his wife are from Niger Republic; they will be going through a brief induction in Niger and will proceed to pioneer the work in Burkina Faso. The other six missionaries will be working in Nigeria among the various unreached people groups. They are Ishaya and Maryamu Ibrahim for Kubule field, Nuhu Yakubu for Tunga Ali field, Yakubu Ishaya for Lambu field, Adebisi Moses  for Kuble field and Tashadurumi respectively. The new staff, beside the ones in Zambia and Burkina Faso will require a minimum of N20, 000 monthly for a start to meet up with the pioneering needs like logistics, accommodation and upkeep. That will amount to at least N200, 000 additional expenses to our monthly recurrent financial challenges. We covet your prayers for God to meet this need.

Orphans & Vulnerable Kids - Home of Grace (HOG)
Jecinta and Blessing
Fourteen (14) of our kids have returned back to school. They are improving in both character and learning. We have two more kids from the devastated Boko Haram North Eastern States who are missionary kids. More missionaries endangering their lives in that region are pleading with us to send their children to join the Home of Grace (HOG).  We are still waiting for improvements in our finances in order to enable us give them a go ahead. Ayuba has registered and commenced his MSc. Economics. Rachael, Mary and Salisu Chiroma have resumed studies at Federal College of Education Pankshin. Priscilla is currently sitting for her WASC examination. Six of our children in the HOG had a pass mark in their Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination in preparation for their entry into the university. We have the need for school fees, food stuffs and basic toiletries like soap, body cream, tooth paste etc.

Staff Update
Rahila Musa at Dir mission field was sick and went through surgical operation at a hospital in Bauchi. Pray along with us for her quick recovery. Barnabas and Fatima have joined the team in Benin Republic to beef up the work there, pray for God to provide all the wisdom, grace and resources needed to pioneer the work. Moustapha and Josephine Oumarou are still embarking on raising funds for their relocation to Malawi, they are both teaching at the School of Cross-Cultural Missions in Jos at the moment pending when God provides the resources. Hope Ejiofor has being moved to Anambra State from where she will be joining hands with our friends and partners in the Eastern part of Nigeria for Missions mobilization. She is very passionate about community deliverance and hopes to visit communities as God opens doors.

Project update
The church project of Libentee, Benin Republic is almost at the roofing level. The mission house at Bolu is at the lintel level. The church at Bum has been roofed and only requires doors, windows, plastering and flooring. The Angwa Egbeshi church was built by the converts with mud blocks and we need N85, 000 urgently to roof the church before the rain begins otherwise it would collapse it. Please pray for funds for all these projects. Getting them completed will seriously encourage the missionaries and enhance the work.

Appreciation & Appeal
We are deeply appreciative of your selfless consistent partnership over the years. We strongly believe that we would not have gotten to our present height without your input. We pray that God would reward you here on earth and beyond.  We still have a long way to go and covet your continuous partnership.

Currently, we have a sharp drop in our support. Some of our partners have challenges in their finances, business and places of work. Please pray along with us for all our partners. If it is well with them, it will be well with the ministry’s finances. Also, some dropped without notice while few others became irregular in their support. This is affecting the work negatively as not much can be accomplished without money. As you read this, we want to appeal that you kindly pray for our finance, pray and make efforts to mobilize more partners for us and above all pray for our leadership and the entire workforce.

We are constantly in prayers for you and we deeply appreciate the role God has used you to play to bringing this work to this level.

God bless you richly.

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