September/ October 2014 Missions Update

Dearly Beloved,

We have been quite overwhelmed by many of the odds against the advance of the gospel that we have not done  much in terms of updating you lately. We are sure despite the fact you have been on your knees praying for us. We are extremely thankful and pray that God bless you in return. We have consistently felt the warmth of your prayers despite the increasing odds. We are so certain that God is in control and the gate of hell shall not prevail against the church and that a mighty harvest that has never been experienced in history is fast approaching and much of it will be from our other cousins, the Muslims.

Mission Fields in North East of Nigeria
Terrorists ravaging North East of Nigeria
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial assistance which helped us to evacuate our missionaries from the North East of Nigeria. We deeply appreciate all the calls we received and particularly the assurance that you are on your knees for us. This is a very trying time for us all. Some of the converts shed tears freely. Others felt betrayed that we are 'abandoning' them at the point when the heat is unbearable and they need us the most. We took time to explain to them that it is temporary withdrawal following the increase sms threat by the Boko Haram, the death of two missionaries, the disappearance of a missionary family(Hopefully, they are still alive somewhere) and the narrow escape of many others. But some are still not satisfied. Please,  we will continue to solicit your prayers for the sustenance of the converts even in the absence of our missionaries. We are trusting God to bring in mightier harvest than ever.
All the missionary trainees and their families have been immediately re-posted to other fields in North Central part of Nigeria. All the regular missionaries have been asked to proceed on compulsory furlough. During the period, they will take time to rest outside the battle fields, pray and source for support for their next assignments. We are particularly trusting God for Moustapha, Josephine and their son to move to Malawi to help with the Missionary Training Center there. Yohanna and Rahila Musa are to move to Niger Republic to join our existing mission force in that country after the furlough. These steps are certainly capital intensive but as you join us in prayer, God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. We will also be counting on you for financial support. We are still waiting to hear from God for the next step for the other missionaries.

Furaka Mission House Project
Furaka Mission House
The ground floor and part of the first floor of the mission house project at Furaka is completed but so much still need to be done to tidy up the first floor.  We still need fund for eight doors, plumbing items/workmanship, flooring and remaining ceiling/electrical work. We are extremely grateful for your financial input that has brought us thus far. When completed, we will have an additional standard classroom that will take more missionary trainees, a library and four more self contain apartments. The completed portion already occupied includes a two bedroom flat for Home of Grace (HOG) Boys accommodation. A bedroom and sitting lounge for one of our Missionary Caregivers and offices.   

Home of Grace (HOG)
The kids at the Home of Grace are doing well spiritually and mentally. All of them were
promoted to the next class. Three of them, Jecinta, Dauda and Blessing were admitted to High School and have resumed on September 22, 2014. After the National Youth Service year, Ayuba Ajikovi has been delisted from the Home to live on his own. He is warming up for M. Sc. program but have to combine with work so as to be able to fund his studies with little or no support.  We have four orphans on standby to replace Ayuba. Pray with us to choose the right person and for partners focusing on helping orphans and vulnerable kids from unreached people background. We still require over N200,000 more to provide all the kids with what they require to return to school as only few of the kids  have been taken care of by support received thus far. We are grateful to all those that have helped and those helping.

Jordan, Benin & Niger Republic Missions
Getting the visa to Jordan is not a simple as we had anticipated. But hopefully, it will be through in the next two weeks and the team will take off before the end of October 2014. Pray for our missionary, Ode Agabi and the six others preparing for the Jordan missions as well as the host on ground that God will empower them with all that is needed for the trip.
God is prospering the work at Benin Republic as our missionary couple, Nuhu & Sabatu Karanbana are gaining more and more favour before the leadership in the land.  Nuhu in company of the Libentee village head had together paid a courtesy call on the President of Benin Republic. The church service is still being conducted under the tree. Having obtained documents for the land recently, we are now trusting God for funds to start work on the mission house as well as a small local church building to start with.
Work in Niger republic is also waxing stronger as we seek to make the best use of the peace still prevalent in the country to raise formidable disciples that will stand the test of time. Emmanuel and Blessing Boubacar still use medical mission as front to reach the people at Ahole while Issa & Rahila manage two mission fields using teaching as a front. Abigail & Liman Danwauya cordinate the work from Tibiri and God has graciously used them to impact the youths and many Pastors across the nation through the Gospel Without Borders.

Other Local Works

Dukawa Convert
Miracle has since the time of Jesus proven to be a formidable gateway to the salvation of many and it  still is. For Sunday & Faith Musa, they have consistently being used by God to do what natural men cannot do. Many of the Kamberis and Dukawas have surrendered their lives to Christ seeing different kinds of miracles. Simon Peter, Ayuba Dawa, Ayuba Magaji, Joshua Adamu, Rabo and Ayuba Ibrahim are all doing great discipling the converts one on one at the various mission stations as well as engage the unsaved with the gospel. Pray that the fruit of their labour will abide. At the Bolu field, an indigenous leader, Isah is taking over from Josephine & Moustapha Oumarou while at Bum mission, Inuwa is stepping in for Ladi and Bulus Ilaya.

To Sum up
As usual, we cannot give you detail reports of great things happening in answer to your prayers among people groups with security implications. All we can say via this medium to register our deepest appreciation for your partnership. Please, keep praying for us and when possible, visit and call us on phone. We need your increasing involvement as the battle gets heated up.  Again, thank you so much and God bless you.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah

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