August 2014 Missions Update

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. Thank you so much for your input in the labour to enthrone Jesus as Lord over the dark nations of the world. Your prayers have no doubt helped a great deal to strenghten our hands and we have seen positive progress in many aspect of our work in the past few months despite the intense hostilities from the Jihadists. We have had few more conversions from Muslim background and have made conscious effort to conceal the identity for security reasons but we covet more of your prayers for greater grace to press on in the face of persecution. Below are some additional progress reports and prayer points:

Furaka Missions House
Thank you so much for your response to our appeal for support towards the finishing of the
Progress made on the Furaka Mission House
Furaka Mission House project. To the glory of God, the roofing aspect of the work has been completed. In addition to the support received, we got some interest-free loan to bring part of the building to completion so we can move into it.  Consequently, the ground floor is already occupied. The floor is made up of a two bedroom flat and another one  bedroom/sitting room. The facilities are serving as boy's hostel for  some of our Home of Grace (HOG) as well as residence for one of our  missionary (one of the Care Giver in charge of HOG).  

 We  are now trusting the Lord for fund for the ceiling, doors, windows, plumbing, tiling and plastering.  When completed, we will have  additional much needed standard toilets at the mission base, one additional standard classroom for the School of Cross-Cultural Missions,  a mini reference library, five self contained rooms and an office apartments. Again, we are extremely grateful for the support rendered that brought the project to this point. Also, pray along with us for funds to complete this project as soon as possible.

Home of Grace(HOG) Update
Baby Victor
The school year is over and we are grateful to God for helping all the HOG kids through the session. Two of the kids, Jecinta Yakubu and Daniel Daji came first in their classes. Three of them, Jecinta, Blessing and Dauda  passed the common entrance examination to secondary school. The school fees for take off for each of them is N17,800. One of the kids, Jonathan Umoru, completed his Junior Secondary School and is warming up for Senior Secondary School. Three of them, Salisu, Mary and Racheal are awaiting admission to higher institution. We have seen progress on all sides, spiritually, physically and mentally. We are grateful to you for helping us to literally transform these kids.

We want to use this medium to register our appreciation to those who partnered with us to put smile on the faces of the kids and to stress again that September is resumption date for most kids. It is not too early to appeal for back-to-school shopping since it is the beginning of a new session. For vulnerable kids around the world, no school supplies means no school. Uneducated kids are more likely to be victimized and they struggle to develop communication skills. 

Benin Republic
Our most outstanding result from the mission field this season is coming from Benin Republic. God has given us unbelievable favour before the Muslim community we are reaching. Our Country Director, Nuhu Karanbana was privileged to pay courtesy visit on the Benin Republic President last quarter. We have secured a land at a strategic part of the town where we planned to start work as soon as the rain is over. Hopefully, before the rent expires, we will start work on our mission base ( both church and mission house). God is already giving us converts and few other Christians who for long have hidden their identities are already identifying with the work in the land.

Ode Agabi: Penciled for Jordan Mission
In answer to prayer and fulfillment of prophecy, the desire of thousands of Syrians who are refugees in Jordan are turning to the Lord.  The need for discipleship has become very crucial and urgent. Part of our global mission mandate is to disciple the nations including those in the 'ends of the earth'. We consider the Macedonian call via the leadership of the Nigeria Evangelical Mission Association (NEMA) where the Grace Foundation's International Director, Andrew Abah currently serves as a member of the National Executive Council  an open door that must be explored to conserve the converts in far away Jordan.

 We are hopeful that they will in turn be God's instrument to reach out to their own people. We are making plan to send two missionaries to join a ministry on ground in Jordan in helping in discipleship work. As usual, the trip will gulp so much. The flight tickets will gulp about N400,000 if it is paid for in good time. Initial upkeep, visa and other logistics will gulp at least N500,000. This is capital intensive like any other foreign missions.

Jordan is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River, and extending into the historic region of Palestine. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north, and Palestine, the Dead Sea and Israel to the west. Please, pray along with us for timely provision fund.

Central African
The Boko Haram menace have extended their menace to North of Cameroon and Chad. This has made passage very dangerous and mission work quite challenging. Our first work in the Central African region is situated in the extreme north of Cameroon where we founded and ran the first specialised resident Francophone School of Missions and later began pioneer church planting effort among the Kaikai tribal group. The work was suspended after about ten years of intense labour  and we were working at resuscitating it before the hostility. Samuel Benuoji who coordinates the Central region works from Chad cannot move freely because of the risks involve. Pray along for wisdom and encouragement. Pray for restoration of peace and for safety for all missionaries working in this region.

Niger Republic
God has continued to do quiet but great work of conversions and discipleship of the lives to the people of the Hausas, Zabramawas, Fulanis and Gobirawas of Niger Republic and the boarder town of Nigeria especially among the Muslims through the Grace Foundations' team. One of the recent converts is under intense persecution and covets our prayers. He is currently undergoing discipleship training in one of the villages. We also covet prayers for our missionary team in the country. The family members were recently exposed to different types of attacks which resulted in devastating pressures like acute financial difficulties, death and hospitalization.

Again, thank you so much for your partnership. We will continue to rely on you for prayers and financial support as we enter the next phase of our labour. We need you now more than ever. We on our part are praying along with you that your labour of love in joining us to enthrone His Lordship to the most excluded dark nations will not be in vain. God will replenish your source and increase you more and more.

His bondservant,
Andrew Abah
International Director

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