Opportunities to Serve in Grace Foundation

Grace Foundation has need for staff. There are opportunities for both short and long term staff. We would love for you to come and join the team. The urgent and immediate staff needs are:

1) Church Planters
This is our number one need. We are beginning to see how few people are really willing to give their lives up to plant churches among unreached people where there are none. It is a long, hard process of making relationships over time and takes awhile to see fruit which is why many don't feel "called" to do it. Please pray for more people that would be willing to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the many unreached people groups.

2) Pastoral Care
Pray for a couple seasoned in life and ministry to come on board to oversee the spiritual life of the GF missionaries. We need someone with a lot of wisdom, counseling experience, knowledge of the Word, good speaking skills, compassion that speaks the truth in love and gifted in member care.

3) Medical Personnel
We need a full-time doctor or nurse to help run the medical side of our ministry which helps open so many doors. We need someone to be in charge of all short-term medical teams coming through the base as well as oversee the mobile medical team which will be getting underway soon.

4) Missionary Children Teacher
We need someone that would be willing to come down to teach staff and students' children or assist in the home-school process in order to free the parents up to get more involved in ministry.

5) Internet
We need someone that would serve as our webmaster and be in charge of our search engine optimization. This person would be responsible for helping with all our IT needs and finding more effective ways of using the internet as a way of reaching the nations. We would also like someone with video editing knowledge to help with promotion and production of new resources to help advance the kingdom through media.

6) Maintenance Person
We need a "handy man" that could take care of all the little odd jobs that often pop-up at our facilities.

7)Administrative Assistant
We are looking for an office manager at GFIM to do much of the correspondence, accounting, and fundraising that is involved in keeping the ministries going.

Short and Long-term serving with Grace Foundation:

For those eyeing to serve with us on a short-term basis, the terms are entirely based on your time, availability and affordability to go to the place you would felt the Lord wants you serve in one of our mission bases within Nigeria or outside (list of places below). The other requirement we do not overlook for all including those that want to come on short term basis, is that one should be born again.

The first step in joining our organization as a long-term staff is to go through the twelve month missionary training at our School of Cross-Cultural Missions. This is a great way for us to get to know you and your gifts and for you to get to know us. It is a type of candidacy and screening program to see if you would work well with our team and a chance for you to be empowered for ministry, get to know our staff, our values, our vision, and our ministry philosophy.

After completion of the school, if we both feel good about the relationship we will look for a place where you can work using your gifting, personality, and passion. We have many staff opportunities with GF at our various fields like Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Niger Republic and proposed field in North Africa and the Middle East. We also have good relationships with other missions organizations and love sending the people that we have trained to go and bless them if GF isn't the right fit for you.

Email us now: gracefoundationinternational@yahoo.com or sms us on +2348173322222 to register your interest.

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