March/April 2014 Missions Update

Greetings in Jesus name.

We are thankful to God for His help this past one month.  So much was accomplished in such a short time with incredible and indelible results. We travelled thousands of kilometres in the air, sea and very remote and dangerous paths in the jungles. God kept us safe, secured and healthy in the hollows of His hands. We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and financial supports because we are certain that much would not have been accomplished without you. We never cease to thank God for giving you to us as gift and as well pray that God will replenish your source, increase you more and more and grant you the desires of your heart.

Daring the Dens of Darkness
Elsie labouring with others in the jungle
At a point, we lost count of the number of souls that surrendered their lives to Christ as we took the gospel across to very many remote jungles this past month. Firstly, at Oma, we had very fruitful evangelistic outreach projecting film, preaching, talking to them one on one and praying for them. Beside those who gave their lives to Christ, many others were healed of various kinds of diseases.  We were blessed with Elsie Govender from South Africa on our team. We also had Barnet Phiri from Malawi, Fred Adigun from Ibadan, Ode Agabi, Hope Ejiofor, Peter Abah and I on the team. The presence of God was very conspicuous and many of the villagers experienced God's touch.

We continued the trip to Odeche-Aiona, Ahogbo, Ankpa-Owukpa, Ejule-Owukpa and other villages sharing boarder with Enugu State. The needs were numerous. The Devil was having field days in virtually all the villages tormenting the people in diverse ways. Though our time in these dark jungles were short but darkness could not stand the light of the gospel. Just like what happened at Oma, many souls were plucked from the cruel hands of the Prince of darkness. One of the cry of the missionary on ground, Mike Agada was the shortage of missionary to sustain the result of the outreaches. It was very clear that the greatest need of the area was for God to deploy more missionaries who will live and labour among the people.

One prayer point that stood out was the deliverance of a young school lad who was
This girl was deformed by witches and wizards
attacked by demonic power on her way from school resulting into swollen hand.  The hand had produced pulse that filled a big bucket. The Doctors that attended to her suggested she should be amputated but her father refused. She is in pain and hearing that Jesus can heal all kinds of diseases, she resolved to put her faith in Him. Please, pray that God will deliver her from the shackles of the Devil and made whole. Also,  as we laboured in one of the remotest village, news came that one of the widows who had an only son, a Colonel in the Nigerian Army was bereaved. He was shot dead by the Boko-Haram Jihadists in Borno State. The pain was unbearable. Please, pray for God's comfort for that poor widow.

Re-strategising for Greater Harvests
Breakout dialogue session led by Fred Adigun
Also between March and April 2014, we hosted and participated in three major meetings aimed at not only recruiting more labourers but in capacity building of existing labourers to generate better results in terms of the more  harvest. The first was the 19th African Missions Summit (AMS 2014) with the theme: Paradigm Shift in Global Missions. Again, many weary missionaries testified that they were strengthened and many others who came to the meeting sick were healed. We had several plenary sessions and breakout dialogue session during which ministry opportunities and fresh strategies were shared and discussed.  Not too long after the
With Bishop Ijachi and Pastoor Adole Ejah @
the Idoma Missions Summit
AMS 2014, we also had the End-Time Congress on World Evangelisation hosted by Mission House International. God used it as a platform to help the church re-strategise for greater harvest especially in the face of the fierce and hostile environment we are confronted with. The third was a regional missions summit focussing on the Idoma nation.  One of the main highlight of the summit was that a machinery was set in motion to comb the entire nation with the aim of identifying the extent of the unfinished task in the land. It is expected that within one year, we will come out with Databank of the Unreached Communities in Idoma Nation.

More Labourers for the Vineyard
God graciously added more staff to join the Grace Foundation team in March 2014.
These include the recent graduates of the School of Cross-Cultural Missions like Ayuba Dawa, Ayuba Magaji, Joshua Adamu and Simon Peter. Earlier, Agabi Ode and Joseph Ayikoye joined the team. Agabi was a student leader at the ECWA Student movement while in the University of Jos, Jos,  Nigeria and Ayikoye had served in various capacities including Travelling Secretary of Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students(NIFES).   Ayikoye is currently pioneering our mobilisation ffort from the Federal Capital Territory in Abuja.

The School of Cross-Cultural Missions(SOCM) under the leadership of Mrs. Florence Showemimo  is still labouring at producing more missionaries. 

Not all the 21 missionary trainees offered admission for the one year regular course have resumed. Pray along with us that those yet to resume soon will do so soon. We have received scholarship for five students plus assistance for foodstuff thus far and a pledge for one more.  Pray that God will bless the donors and stir more hearts to provide sponsorship for the much needed labourers. It cost N75000 to support one student and N36,000 extra per child for those coming with their children.

We are currently training church leaders in a three week Advanced African Church Leadership (AACL) at the Missions Exposures & Training in South Africa. The sessions held so far on the Unfinished Task are mind-blowing. Pray that the result will lead to the advancement of God's kingdom in the darkest part of the world.

Missions Related Project
v  The Furaka Mission House project has advanced. We are almost at the roofing level.  Pray along with us for provision of N2.5Million needed to roof it and put some fittings like toilet, plumbing, electricity, windows and doors so we can put it into full use.
v  The Bum church project is also at roofing level. Close to N1Million naira is required to complete the roofing.
v  The Bolu building project has been stagnant because of lack of fund. Pray for God to stir heart so we can resume and finish the project.
v  The Dukawa Mission House needs urgent re-roofing. The missionaries also need a replacement for their motorbike. The Missions Supporters League, Makurdi have committed themselves to provide the fund needed for these two. Pray that God will help them fulfil the pledge urgently.
v  Benin Republic work requires huge capital for initial rent and furnishing.
v  Dir Missions House require N20,000 for purchase of two additional doors and fixing them.
v  The sewing machines and bicycle for our Missionary in Chad was stolen. Pray for fund so we can replace it with a brand new motorcycle and new sewing machines.
v  The Home of Grace in Niger Republic needs funds for 10new mattresses, foodstuffs and writing materials.

Other Fields Update/Coming Events
Praying for the ODNM leadership during the visit.
God continues to help all our missionaries in their various duty posts despite the increasing hostilities.  Ladi Ekpa of Bum field has resumed further studies in Theology with ECWA Theological Seminary and has to be shuttling the school and the field for now.  Bulus Ilaya was drafted back to the field to keep the work going. Yohanna and Rahila Musa have fully resumed at the Dir field while Rabo Yakubu took over the Lambo work. Sunday Musa continues to shuttle the Benin Republic work until we get adequate fund to rent a house and draft two missionaries there on full time.

The closure of the Nigeria Cameroon boarder has restricted our access to not only Cameroon but Chad.  It has been very difficult for the missionary in Chad, Samuel Benuoji to freely travel to Nigeria as use to be the case.  Pray that God will help him in all his endeavours and provide to meet his needs.

We work in close collaboration with Our Daily Needs Ministry (ODNM) led by Tope and Yemisi Madamori. The ministry is located at the heart of Gana Ropp where the Fulanis have killed and displaced hundreds of indigenous people. We took time to visit and pray with them. We covet your prayers for divine protection for them, Agape Missions and Calvary Ministries staff located in this area. The situation was still very tense as at the time of the visit.

 We have very key programs scheduled for the remaining part of the year.  Pray alongside with us that these programs will promote the work He has committed to our hands. They are:  May 15-17, 2014 - Igala Missions Summit (IMS 2014), June 18, 2014 - Lagos School of Missions hosted by Calvary Bible Church. July 24-27, 2014 -Mega Strength on Passion for Souls hosted by Faithbuilders,  August 12 -13, 2014 - Solemn Assembly @ Grace Foundations, August 25-28, 2014 -International Pastors & Ministers Conference @ Ghana and August 27-30, 2014 Middle Belt Believers Conference. Others include Ibadan Missions Conference hosted by Occupy World Outreach on October 9-12, 2014, Port Harcourt Missions Conference hosted by Church in Glory Assembly .Our Second Annual Advanced Missions Leadership Institute (AMLI) is scheduled for October 28-November 7, 2014. Applications are already on sales and have very limited space.

All things to All Men

In our effort to reach as many as possible, the Furaka Youth started the Grace Foundation Football club. The club activities have attracted many non-Christians and we are hopeful that with time, the sporting activities will draw many to the Lord. Also, they have intensify on using Drama and play-let to communicate the gospel.
Reaching out with drama

Again, thank you so much for your availability to partner with us. We pray for you very often and sincerely count on your prayers as we press on.  God bless you richly.

His bondservant,

Andrew Abah
International Director


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